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Genmin receives Gabon iron ore mining permit

Emerging African iron ore producer, Genmin Limited, has announced that a large-scale, twenty-year mining permit has now been issued for its owned Baniaka iron ore project located in Gabon, west Central Africa.

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Enter ASX-listed Genmin - a company that has claimed stake to a large-scale, iron ore rich tenement in Gabon, and has little to contend with besides bringing its primary asset into …

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Why Gabon

The Mining Code considers strong ESG principles, with 20% of mining tax revenues allocated to local populations for the implementation of community projects. In 2022, the Gabon Government established a separate and dedicated Ministry of Mines in its push to diversify the economy.

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Genmin welcomes Gabon's President to Baniaka

About Genmin Genmin Limited (ASX: GEN) is an ASX-listed emerging African iron ore producer with a pipeline of projects in the Republic of Gabon, west Central Africa. The Company has interests in three projects comprising one granted exploitation (mining) licence and six granted exploration licences covering approximately 5,064km2.

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Genmin Company Profile

Genmin is a mineral exploration company. It engaged in the acquisition, exploration, and development of mining projects in iron ore, potash, gold, copper, nickel, and …

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Genmin Mining and Exploration

Genmin Mining and Exploration - Facebook

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Genmin secures 20-year permit for Gabon iron ore …

Genmin, an Australian Securities Exchange (ASX)-listed mining company, has obtained a 20-year mining permit for its wholly owned Baniaka iron ore project in Gabon, West Central Africa. The permit was granted through a …

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ASX Announcement. Results of Entitlement Offer and …

About Genmin Genmin Limited (ASX: GEN) is an ASX-listed emerging African iron ore producer with a pipeline of projects in the Republic of Gabon, west Central Africa. The Company has interests in three projects comprising one granted exploitation (mining) licence and six granted exploration licences covering approximately 5,064km2.

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Genmin inks 15-year integrated rail and port …

Genmin (ASX:GEN) has signed a long-term 15-year integrated rail and port services agreement with Owendo Mineral Port (OMP) for its flagship Baniaka Iron Ore Project, located in the Republic of Gabon, west Central Africa.

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Meet Genmin's new executive team!

Meet Genmin Limited's new Chief Financial Officer, General Manager – Technical Services, and Company Secretary! Zaiqian Zhang, Marcus Reston and Lucy Rowe together with our existing Group Exploration Manager Mathieu Lacorde, form our new executive leadership team. Commenting on the recent appointments, Managing Director and CEO Joe Ariti said ...

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This early-stage exploration project is located in the Archean North Gabon Massif in north Gabon, where nearby projects include Fortescue's Belinga project. Genmin continues to refine its local geological mineralisation model for Bitam utilising the results of its 2023 ground truthing surveys and independent prospectivity assessment by RSC Global.

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Genmin receives permit for Gabon iron-ore mine

Emerging African iron-ore producer Genmin has announced that a large-scale 20-year mining permit has been issued for its -owned Baniaka iron-ore project in Gabon. The mining permit was issued ...

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A large-scale iron ore mining project in south-east Gabon, with a 20-year mining permit and plans to start production at 5Mtpa, scaling up to 10Mtpa. Baniaka Hub: An iron ore exploration area in south-east Gabon, including the Baniaka and Bakoumba projects, with significant resource potential. Bitam Project

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Genmin lining up capital for Baniaka

The company says a capital raise is being undertaken to provide general working capital for its wholly owned Baniaka Iron Ore Project in Gabon, west Central Africa. The capital raise comes following the receipt of a 20-year mining permit …

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David Murigwathoho

diamond core driller/surface wireline core driller supervisor.drillers trainer,offsiders trainer and specialist. · I have been working in different fields of drilling on various formation.l have been in different environmental and very remote locations.l would like to broad my drilling knowledge as far as I can help building skills in my profetion.and spend the majority of time across borders ...

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Gabon the focus for Genmin's

There are exploration targets for Baniaka of up to 547Mt grading up to 54%, including the largest oxide drill target at Bandjougoy of 67-124Mt at 35-49%. Bakoumba has a mapped 36km of …

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Genmin slides after emergency capital raising

Genmin has resolved questions about its financial viability with an emergency placement to raise a further A$10 million from existing shareholders and new investors.

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Genmin Limited is an iron ore producer with a pipeline of projects in the Republic of Gabon, west Central Africa. ... (mining) license and five granted exploration licenses covering approximately ...

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Large-scale mining permit received for Baniaka and …

As set out above, and during the Quarter, Genmin was granted the Mining Permit for Baniaka. The Mining Permit in ... Genmin's owned exploration portfolio is located in Gabon, west Central Africa and comprises the Baniaka iron ... He acts as CFO of several ASX-listed and private entities, primarily focused on the preparation of general

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DOUT EXPLORATION PROJECTS IN SHORT Iron ore exploration and development is on the map - thanks to Genmin and its plans to produce and export iron ore from Gabon in the next three years. here s not much o Africa's iro ore s ory outside of South Africa. Multiple companies have looked at iron ore depos ts across the continent, but one constraint

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GEN Stock Price Quote

Genmin Ltd is an iron ore exploration and development company with a pipeline of projects in Gabon. The company has six exploration licenses in Gabon, covering three projects.

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Board and management changes

Read the latest Company Administration General news from Genmin Limited (ASX:GEN) ... (mining) licence and six granted exploration licences covering approximately 5,064km 2 . ... Genmin has additional exploration tenure prospective for polymetallic mineralisation at its Bitam project in the north-west of Gabon located near the Woleu-Ntem ...

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sbm/sbm genmin general mining and exploration.md at …

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Baniaka Hub

The Baniaka Hub hosts a strike length of 121km of iron mineralisation and includes the exploration ground outside of the Baniaka mining permit area (Baniaka Extended) and the Bakoumba iron ore project. Only 13% of the iron mineralisation identified by Genmin has been drill tested to date, leaving more than 100km of resource upside. ...

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Gabon the focus for Genmin's

2025, Genmin hopes to emerge a winner any from the Sino-Australian trade cold war. Genmin is looking to raise A$20-30 million at 34c by oating around 19% of the company with the aid of Foster Stockbroking and Bell Potter. The cash will allow completion of a prefeasibility study for Genmin's agship

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Annual Report 2023.

The Directors of Genmin Limited present their report together with the financial statements of the Consolidated ... Mr Amico was the general representative of Eramet in Gabon from 2013 to 2018. Eramet is a global diversified French ... Mr Wilkins is a highly experienced company secretary with a strong background in mining and exploration and ...

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Mining. Mining →; Baniaka. Premium iron ore products; Home; Company. Our Values; Objectives; Board & Management

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Genmin (ASX:GEN)

Genmin Limited, Annual General Meeting, May 30, 2024 Mar 19. ... Metals and Mining Industry Average Movement: 10.5%: Market Average Movement: 7.9%: 10% most volatile stocks in AU Market: 16.3%: ... Genmin Limited, an exploration and development company, produces iron ores in Africa. The company's flagship property comprises owned the ...

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Gabon iron-ore firm Gemin to raise A$10m

ASX-listed, Africa-focused iron-ore company Genmin has received firm commitments to raise A$10-million through a two-tranche placement and executed an arm's length $1-million working capital ...

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Mining Technology

After securing the mining permit, the company's immediate goals are to complete a planned capital raise to supply general working capital. ... Since exploration began in 2013, Genmin has defined a cumulative strike length of 85km of iron mineralisation at Baniaka, which has been subdivided into 12 prospect areas. ...

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