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The First Atomic-Beam Clock

An outstanding example is the cesium-beam frequency standard, one of several types of "atomic clock" developed in the postwar years. ... Unlike the traditional horizontal atomic beam apparatus, this one stood compactly vertical. It used permanent magnets rather than electromagnets; had convenient connections for vacuum pump, electronics, and ...

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Cesium (Cs)

Cesium is the 55th element in the periodic table and has a symbol of Cs and atomic number of 55. It has an atomic weight of 132.90545 and a mass number of 133. Cesium has fifty-five protons …

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Solved 3. Using the data in Table 1, make a graph of

Using the data in Table 1, make a graph of melting point ( T_{mat{m}} mat{vs} ). atomic number ( Z ) (with ( T_{mat{m}} ) on the vertical axis and ( Z ) on the horizontal axis), and use it to predict the melting point for cesium. Use Excel or any similar program to graph the data and add a ...

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894.6nm VCSEL for Cs-Based Atomic Clocks with triangular holey

Vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs) with 894.6nm as the ideal light source for cesium (Cs) atomic clock is analyzed. The VCSEL with central wavelength of 894.6nm is designed and fabricated for Cs atomic clock using the control mode of two-dimensional triangular-hole structure oxidation type VCSEL. The output power is 0.86mw, with the single mode suppression ratio …

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An optically pumped atomic clock based on a …

the exit of the atomic beam and microwave cavity in the experimental platform was 430 mm, and the longitudinal velocity of the atomic beam was v z = 17.5 m/s. Through adjustment, the pushing light and cesium atoms were both emitted at an angle of 0.3° to the horizontal plane. Since the cesium atomic beam was affected by gravity, the atoms traveled

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Design of Portable Self-Oscillating VCSEL-Pumped …

Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting LASERs (VCSELs) have been applied in atomic gyroscopes and atomic clocks [10,11]. ... Design of Portable Self-Oscillating VCSEL-Pumped Cesium Atomic Magnetometer ...

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Final Report on LDRD Project: Narrow-Linewidth VCSELs …

the natural atomic linewidth (5 MHz for cesium) that is realized with atomic beams, trapped atoms, and trapped ions. Laser output power above 5 mW in a single mode is also needed for many of these higher-performance atomic sensor applications. Although DFB and DBR lasers can meet the linewidth and single-mode output power requirements, the

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Caesium – Atomic Number – Cs

Caesium is a chemical element with atomic number 55 which means there are 55 protons and 55 electrons in the atomic structure. The chemical symbol for Caesium is Cs . The atom consist of a small but massive …

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An optically pumped atomic clock based on a …

2 Methods. Figure 2 shows the overall design of the optically pumped cold cesium beam atomic clock. Its optical system is shown in Figure 3, which is an improvement on the optical system put forward by [].Additionally, …

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Cesium (Cs)

Caesium or cesium is a chemical element with symbol Cs and atomic number 55. It is a soft, silvery-gold Alkali Metal with a melting point of 28 °C (82 °F), which makes it one of only five elemental metals that are liquid at or near room …

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Solved 3. Using the data in Table 1, make a graph of atomic

Using the data in Table 1, make a graph of atomic radius vs. molar mass (with radius on the vertical axis and molar mass on the horizontal axis), and use it to predict the radius for cesium. Use Excel or any similar program to graph the data and find the line of best-fit (may or may not be a linear fit), then use the equation for the best-fit ...

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Understanding Atomic Clocks and GPS Timing: The Heart of …

Atomic clocks operate by exploiting the stable, resonant frequency of specific atoms. For example, in a cesium atomic clock, the clock uses the natural resonance frequency of cesium-133 atoms, which oscillate exactly 9,192,631,770 times per second. This frequency is used to measure the passage of time extremely accurately.

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NIST's Cesium Fountain Atomic Clocks | NIST

Primary Frequency Standards for the United States The nation's primary frequency standard is a cesium fountain atomic clock dev. ... After the cooling process, the two vertical lasers are used to gently toss the cloud upward (the "fountain" action), and then all the lasers are turned off. The controlled cloud velocity is just enough to send the ...

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Cesium | Cs (Element)

Cesium is a chemical element with symbol Cs and atomic number 55. Classified as a n alkali metal, Cesium is a solid at room temperature. [Xe]6s 1. J.C. Slater, J Chem Phys, 1964, 41 (10), 3199-3205. DOI:10.1063/1.1725697.

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Periodic Table of Elements: Los Alamos National Laboratory

Cesium is used in atomic clocks, which are accurate to 5 s in 300 years. Its chief compounds are the chloride and the nitrate. Cesium has more isotopes than any element--32--with masses …

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MacV: VCSELs For Miniature Atomic Clocks

Compact coherent population trapping (CPT) based clocks require single-mode, low-power consumption, high-speed and polarization-stable laser sources. We report our progress in developing customized vertical cavity surface emitting laser (VCSEL) diodes designed for operating on the D1 transition of cesium, and specifically tailored for CPT-based atomic clocks. …

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Design Of A Low-Threshold Vecsel Emitting At 852 Nm For Cesium Atomic …

This work reports on an optically-pumped vertical external-cavity surface- emitting laser (VECSEL) emitting around 852 nm for Cesium atomic clocks experiments.

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Laser with 10-13 short-term instability for compact optically …

The Allan deviation of the high-stability-laser-based cesium beam atomic clock is better than that of any reported compact cesum beam atomic clocks at the averaging time of half-day. We realize a high-stability laser by modulation transfer spectroscopy and apply it to implement a high-performance compact optically pumped cesium beam atomic clock. Evaluated by the optical …

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Vapor Condensation and Thermophoretic Aerosol …

of Cesium Iodide in Horizontal Thermal Gradient Pipes Yu MARUYAMA*Lt, Hiroaki SHIBAZAKI*1, Minoru IGARASHI*2, Akio MAEDA* Yuhei IIARADA*1, Akihide HIDAKA ~1, Jun SUGIMOTO.i, Kazuichiro HASI-IIIVIOTO.i and Naohiko NAKAtvIURA *3 *1 Department of Reactor Safety Research, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute

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Microchip's Cesium Atomic Clock

The 5071B cesium atomic clock is supported by Clockstudio Software Tool to control and monitor data. Pricing and Availability. Microchip's 5071B cesium atomic clock is now available in a 3U 19-inch rackmount enclosure in two performance levels: 5071B-001 …

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Improvement of the short-term stability of atomic fountain …

The cesium fountain clocks are used as primary frequency standards (PFSs) to realize the definition of the SI second, which have been widely used in calibrating the time scale, frequency metrology, tests of fundamental physics, etc. [1–3] The total uncertainties of the state-of-the-art fountain clocks have reached a few parts in 10 −16. [] The relative frequency stability …

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Element Caesium (Cs), Group 1, Atomic Number 55, s-block, Mass 132.905. Sources, facts, uses, scarcity (SRI), podcasts, alchemical symbols, videos and images.

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Technical data for the element Cesium in the Periodic Table

Complete and detailed technical data about the element Cesium in the Periodic Table.

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general relativity

The number of cycles per second a a cesium atomic clock in the reference frame of each atomic clock, regardless of the local strength of gravity, is the same. ... It has been proven that two atomic clocks separated by a mere 12 vertical inches show a difference in time because of the effect of gravity proving Einsteins theory, therefore, there ...

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The Chip-Scale Atomic Clock

progress on the CSAC effort, including the development of custom vertical cavity surface emitting laser (VCSEL) sources and techniques for microfabricating miniature cesium vapor cells comprised of ... Figure 6 shows the transitions of the cesium atomic structure relevant for CPT interrogation, including both the "D1" and "D2" principal ...

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An Engineered High Performance Optically Pumped Compact Cesium Atomic …

According to the principle of the TA1000 optically pumped compact cesium atomic clock [], we tried to improve the stability of the clock by narrowing the laser linewidth, improving the stability of laser power as well as the stability of the C field.2.1 Laser Linewidth. By establishing the desktop platform, our team explored the effect of laser linewidth on the …

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Periodic Table and Trends Flashcards

cesium c. calcium b. bromine d. fluorine cesium Who arranged the elements according to atomic mass and used the arrangement to predict the properties of missing elements?

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CPT Cesium-Cell Atomic Clock Operation With a 12-mW …

In this paper, we present the design, fabrication, and electrical characterization of a low-power microwave source for interrogation of cesium atomic hyperfine transition frequency using the coherent population trapping (CPT) technique. The 4.6-GHz frequency generation and signal buffering is performed by a single-chip frequency synthesizer ASIC with a frequency …

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4.3 Periodic Trends in the Size of Atoms

Even though cesium has a nuclear charge of +55, it has 54 electrons in its filled 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 6 4s 2 3d 10 4p 6 5s 2 4d 10 5p 6 shells, abbreviated as [latex]ce{[Xe]} ... Ionic radii share the same vertical trend as atomic radii, but …

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Defines how per-feature colors set from the Cesium API or declarative styling blend with the source colors from the original feature, e.g. glTF material or per-point color in the tile. ... The horizontal location of an origin relative to an object, e.g., a Billboard or Label. ... Represents the International Atomic Time (TAI) time standard. TAI ...

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