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Minimization of Copper Losses in Copper Smelting Slag During Electric

Such conditions include operating the electric furnace at metallic copper saturation, maintaining the %Fe in the electric furnace matte between 6 wt.% and 9 wt.%, not exceeding a slag temperature ...

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The potential for copper slag waste as a resource for a …

The reverberatory slag is produced from the reverberatory smelting furnace and usually produces the slag that is more dilute in copper of about 0.6% and is discarded without slag recovery treatment (Davenport et al., 2002). The smelter slag is produced from the smelting furnaces and contains copper with average of 1.2%.

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Alternatives of Copper (I) Oxide Reduction in a Copper Slag …

Hence, the recent trends of copper smelting invariably lead to significant copper loss in slag, which needs to be recovered by means of reduction and settling in a separate slag cleaning furnace. The reduction of Cu 2 O from slags is carried out by adding carbon/coke or by injection of various reductants (e.g., different types of oil or natural ...

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Effects of fluxing conditions on copper smelting slag …

bottom blown furnace slag have been investigated with the aim of minimizing the copper loss in discarded slag. The industrial copper smelting slags from Fangyuan were used to mix with …

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Improved Settling Mechanisms of an Industrial Copper Smelting Slag …

A significant source of copper losses from pyrometallurgical copper extraction is attributed to dissolved and entrained copper in discarded slag. Entrained copper can be recovered via pyrometallurgical slag cleaning in a settling furnace, where the slag viscosity and copper droplet size distribution (CDSD) are critical parameters. Reduced copper losses …

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Copper Smelting Slag Cleaning in an Electric Furnace by

In view of the non-renewable reductant resources and carbon neutralization in the process of copper slag cleaning in an electric furnace, this study proposed to use waste cooking oil as reductant to replace fossil energy. Combined with the phase equilibrium theory and experimental results, the harm of excessive magnetite in the copper smelting slag to the …

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Effects of fluxing conditions on copper smelting slag …

extensively investigated. The electric furnace or rotary slag-cleaning furnace are now generally used to perform this task, giving a level of copper in discard slag typically in the range of 0.6 - 1.3 wt%, with most plants reporting copper losses in the discard slag in the range of 0.8 - 1.0 wt% [1-3]. The latter process has the advantage of ...

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Alkaline activated cements obtained from ferrous and non …

Two slags from steel production in the electric arc furnace (Alcalá de Guadaira, Sevilla, Spain) were used: electric arc furnace slag (EAFS) (3–5 mm particle size) originated in the primary metallurgy or fusion and ladle furnace slag (LFS) (0–2 mm particle size) originated in the secondary metallurgy or refining of the molten bath produced ...

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High-value terminal treatment: Utilizing copper slag heat in …

The copper smelting industry generates copper slag as its primary solid waste (Tian et al., 2021).The pyrometallurgical process extracts approximately 80% of the copper (Zuo et al., 2022), producing 2–3 tons of copper slag for every 1 ton of copper (Qu et al., 2023).According to statistics, global copper slag emissions in 2022 alone reached 35.2 million …

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Concrete Made with Partially Substitutions of Copper Slag …

Several studies have already demonstrated that using industrial waste such as fly ash, rice husk ash, bagasse ash, silica fume, blast furnace slag, copper slag, waste glass and waste marble, etc., were considered to be advantageous. Similar copper slags are also valuable options to be used as concrete ingredients.

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Process of Copper Slag Reduction in an Electric Furnace and …

The application and continuous improvement of the copper slag reduction process in the electric furnace stem from increasingly strict legal restrictions on slag utilization and the financial …

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Characterization of Fayalite from Copper Slags

Pyro-metallurgical copper slag (CS) waste was used as the source material for ultrasound (US) silica extraction under acidification processes with 26 kHz with HCl, HNO3, and H2SO4 at different ...

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A process is provided for recovering in a slag cleaning furnace the copper from smelting furnace slags discharged from a smelting furnace for copper refinery, said process being characterized in that zinc removed tailings are charged into said slag smelting furnace in an either continuous or discontinuous manner, whereby the copper recovery may be improved and valuable metals …

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Minimization of Copper Losses in Copper …

In the quest to achieve the highest metal recovery during the smelting of copper concentrates, this study has evaluated the minimum level of soluble copper in iron-silicate slags. The...

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Recovery of Copper from Copper Blast Furnace Slag

Global copper slag (CS) emissions reached 57.2 million tons in 2021. Despite the increasing reuse of CS, the treatment of CS is still dominated by landfill so far, which not only occupies land ...

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Recovery of copper from copper blast furnace slag

of copper from the slag. Experimental Materials. Industrial copper blast furnace slag was used in this study. Slag sampIes received from the furnace were crushed to less than 3 mm, and 100-g slag sampIes were prepared by means of mechanical splitting. Carbon in the form of graphite powder (-200 mesh, 74 fim) containing greater than 99% fixed

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Analysis of copper loss in slag in Tamano type flash smelting furnace

Pyrometallurgical production of molten copper generates two slags, smelting and converting. Smelting furnace slag typically contains 1%–2% Cu.

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Development of Electric Furnace Slag Cleaning at a …

The use of an electric arc furnace for recovery of metal values from slag generated in a secondary copper smelter has been successfully demonstrated and commercialized.

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(PDF) Refractories for Copper Production

Matte and slag phases increase the deterioration in the slag line [10]. These drawbacks make the copper industry acquire such quantities of refractory materials for the total or partial ...

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Recovery of copper from reverberatory furnace slag by …

The recovery of copper from smeltery furnace slag by flotation has been studied. By analysis the slag containing 1.61% copper and 27.80g/t silver is available to recovery. The effective factors such … Expand

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Copper Smelting Slag Cleaning in an Electric Furnace by …

to the process of copper slag cleaning and provide a new approach to WCO utilization. II. EXPERIMENTAL A. Materials 1. ISASMELT copper slag A representative ISASMELT copper slag sample was obtained from Copper Inc. in China. A mixture of matte and slag tapped from the ISASMELT furnace is a periodic operation. The mixture mainly consists of

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nically entrained matte inclusions and dissolved copper. Copper recovery from the slag requires magnetite reduction to liberate matte inclusions and create conditions for co-reduction of dissolved cuprous oxide. Efficiency of copper recovery from the slag in an electric furnace depends on number of factors, such as slag composition and properties,

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Minimization of Copper Losses in Copper …

The authors further consider that under exceptionally well-controlled conditions, a copper content in electric furnace discard slag between 0.55 wt.% and 0.7 wt.% can be obtained, by minimizing entrained matte and …

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Characteristics and utilisation of copper slag—a review

Nearly 2.2 to 3.0 tons of copper slag are generated for every one-tone production of copper, leading to the generation of 4.5 million tons of copper slag very year; as of now, a total of 50 ...

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Numerical simulation for heat transfer behavior of copper slag …

On the basis of above findings, this paper adopts an analytical method of assuming the copper slag as a dynamic heat source, establishing a slag ladle simulation geometric model according to the size of 12 m 3 casting slag ladle in industrial production in accordance with 1:1 modeling. Then through the experiments on the copper slag sampled from the factory to obtain the thermal and …

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The copper slag cleaning in an electric furnace is based on slag reduction and settling of copper matte inclusions. Copper recovery depends on the slag temperature, degree of magnetite reduction and slag residence time. The formation of solid buildup on the furnace hearth leads to the decrease of furnace volume and slag residence time ...

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A novel slag cleaning method to recover copper from molten copper …

To recover copper from copper slag, a novel slag cleaning method was proposed. The thermodynamics and binary phase diagram of FeO–SiO 2 were calculated first. Then, the effects of experimental parameters on the reduction of Fe 3 O 4, recovery of copper, and slag cleaning mechanism were investigated.The results showed that the addition of SiO 2 …

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Preparation of lightweight glass-ceramics from copper slag

The metallurgical industry produces a large amount of solid waste [1].It is estimated that for every ton of copper produced, more than 2.2–3 tons of copper slag are produced [2].In the aluminum electrolysis and recovery process, about 30∼50 kg and 100–150 kg of SAD are respectively discharged per ton of aluminum [3].According to the World Bureau of Metal …

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The potential of copper slag as a precursor for partially …

The safe and efficient treatment of copper slag (CS) is an important aspect of the circular economy and green development. In order to reduce the negative environmental …

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Mineralogical Characterization of Historic Copper Slag to …

The variety of slag compositions of Table 1, is inherent to both the concentrate composition and the extraction method applied.Each slag composition requires an appropriate treatment method for further metal recovery or for utilization as construction material [27,28].Thermal reduction of copper smelter slags with solid carbon is commonly applied in …

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