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Ghana is well endowed with substantial mineral resources, the major ones being gold, diamonds, manganese and bauxite. Gold is the predominant mineral produced in the country accounting …

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THE GHANA CHAMBER OF MINES 2020 MINING INDUSTRY STATISTICS AND DATA Page | 4 1.0 THE GHANA CHAMBER OF MINES 1.1 Brief History The first offices of the West Africa …

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Historical overview of traditional and modern gold …

gold mining in Ghana. The modern state of Akyem Abuakwa occupies much of the western half of the Eastern region of modern Ghana. It shares boundaries with Kwahu to the north and north-

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The fight over Ghana's illegal gold rush exposes election risks

Exposed holes in the ground bear witness to attempts at illegally digging out some of the precious metal and a polluted river on the edge of town shows the consequences of the …

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Gold in Ghana: The effects of changes in large-scale mining …

Using an informalisation theoretical framework, and drawing on fieldwork conducted in the three gold mining towns of Obuasi, Prestea and Kenyasi, this paper explores how the …

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Governing access to gold in Ghana: in-depth geopolitics on mining …

Third World Thematics: A TWQ Journal, 2016. Using in-depth ethnographic analysis of Kejetia's artisanal gold mining community in Tongo (Northern Ghana), this article argues that …

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The outbreak of artisanal and small-small gold mining …

However, legal small-scale mining is conferred on the citizens aimed at improving the socio-economic statuses of mining communities' dwellers by the constitution of Ghana (Akabzaa and …

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Why is Ghana losing the war against illegal gold mining

Ghana, like most resource-rich countries, is saddled and inundated with resource curse challenges. Key among them is the problem of illegal small-scale gold mining activities …

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FEATURE: Illegal mining digs up multiple …

Ghana's effort to end illegal gold mining must be accompanied by significant reforms to tackle corruption, weak enforcement measures and bureaucracy in the highly centralised licensing and management process.

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Struggle for natural resources in northern Ghana: Clashes over gold …

UNDOUBTEDLY, Northern Ghana is becoming a hub of mining activities with the discovery of mineral resources, particularly gold deposits in large quantities in many …

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(PDF) Characterisation of Small-Scale Gold Mining Tailings …

Ghana has abundant mineral reserves in many of its regions, and gold mining remains one of the country's main sources of revenue. Given Ghana's current position in the …

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Land appropriation, customary tenure and rural livelihoods: gold mining

In conclusion, land expropriation for gold mining has resulted in a transformation in the Ghanaian customary land tenure system, producing a marked shift from agrarian to non …

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Gold Over Forest: A Surge in Illegal Mining in Ghana

The illegal mining operations account for close to 60% of Ghana's gold production and exports. Furthermore, it serves as a source of livelihood for over 200,000 people and their …

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In Ghana, illegal gold mining is bringing jobs and grief

It accounts for around 40% of gold mining, with Ghana the country that produces the most gold in Africa, and Africa being the continent that produces the most gold in the …

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A review of health hazards associated with

Ghana, the levels of cyanide found in yams were alarmingly high (43.47 mg/L), far exceeding the recommended limit of (10 mg/kg). This is particularly concerning as cyanide is highly toxic, …

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Governance challenges of small-scale gold mining in Ghana…

This section begins by presenting the legal framework of Ghana's mining sector (section 4.1). In assessing its implementation, section 4.2 presents the roles of actors within …

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"Illegal" Gold Mining Operations in Ghana: …

The increase in gold mining in Ghana has also seen some significant improvement in the livelihoods of communities where gold mining is in operation (Ofosu et al., 2020). In Ghana, the people own the mineral …

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The gold mining sector in Ghana predates independence and has over the years contributed significantly to Ghana's socio-economic development through revenue generation, …

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Hundreds march against Ghana's damaging informal gold …

Hundreds of people marched through Ghana's capital Accra on Friday in a peaceful protest against unlicensed gold mining, calling on authorities to act against the …

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Mining activities over the years have formed an integral part of the economic development of Ghana. Many economists believe the mining industry in many ways has …

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Unlicensed Gold Mines in Ghana Present Risks to People, …

The unlicensed gold mining industry is known in Ghana as "galamsey." The industry has grown quickly over the past year. One reason for the growth was a 30 percent …

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Illegal mining digs up multiple problems in Ghana | ENACT …

Most of the illegally mined gold in Ghana is smuggled through clandestine networks to the United Arab Emirates. Ghana reportedly lost about US$1.1 billion in revenue …

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The footprints of galamsey in Ghana: The …

It is the undisputed mining hub of West Africa, and is dominated by two main gold mining sectors: the large scale mining sector (LSM) and small-scale or artisanal small-scale mining (SSM/ASM). Within the small-scale gold …

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The environmental fallout of Ghana's mining …

However, the rise of artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) brings significant challenges that go beyond economic benefits. This unregulated sector, which has surged over the last two...

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List of Mineral Rights/Concessions

List of Gold Exporters; LICENSING. Types of Mineral Rights; Licence / Permit Procedure ... Goldfields Ghana. WR639-97 Mining Lease. Download. Preview. Hwini Butre. ML_Renewed …

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Implementing effective environmental policies …

There are currently 291 forest reserves and 15 wildlife protected areas in Ghana that constitute the permanent forest estate of Ghana and these are under the control and monitoring of the Forestry Commission of Ghana …

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Effects of Illegal Mining on the Environment, Economy, and …

The findings from the study revealed that in Ghana, just like most African countries, artisanal and small-scale mining has contributed positively to the economy through …

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The fight over Ghana's illegal gold rush exposes election risks

Ghana was one of the first countries in Africa to legalize artisanal and small-scale mining, a sector which globally contributes about a fifth of the world's gold supply, according to …

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Gold Fields, AngloGold JV in Ghana hits roadblock

The companies agreed at the time to merge their neighbouring Tarkwa and Iduapriem mines, aiming to create Africa's largest gold mine. Under the agreement, Gold …

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Confronting gold mining challenges in Ghana

Although lower prices and higher costs are a concern for Ghana's mining industry, the Mining Commission's re-evaluation of prospecting licences could add some momentum and set the …

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