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Vubachikwe Mine seeks to resume operations

Vubachikwe, a gold mine which lies about 8km north-west of Gwanda, in Matabeleland South Province, seeks to resume operations that were halted following violent protests that saw the destruction of infrastructure.

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Vumbachikwe mine clashes with creditors

Vubachikwe Mine reportedly owes various creditors, including workers, the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority and Zesa Holdings more than US$10 million.

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Geochemistry and mineralogy of banded iron-formation …

The metamorphic rocks of the Archean Gwanda greenstone belt of southwestern Zimbabwe consist of mafic to felsic volcanics with intercalated sedimentary units among which …

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Gwanda mine fights back against takeover attempt

Vubachikwe Mine, a gold mine located near Gwanda, is facing a legal battle against a potential hostile takeover. The mine's owner, Forbes & Thompson (Bulawayo) (Private) Limited, has filed an affidavit opposing an …

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Vubachikwe Gold Mine prospects of resuscitation …

HOPES of Vubachikwe Gold Mine's reopening are fading as a forensic investigation report flagged several issues ranging from mismanagement, mounting debts, and operating in bad faith.

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Vubachikwe Mine Clinic gears for new life

PressReader. Catalog; For You; Sunday News (Zimbabwe) Vubachikwe Mine Clinic gears for new life - . AFTER a night of senselessn­ess and barbarism two …

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Mining and the growth of Gwanda

Mining Zimbabwe Mining Zimbabwe - Latest Mining News, Policy, and Industry Updates-4.5 C. New York. Search. My account. Get into your account. Login HOME. NEWS ...

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Gwanda-based mine fights push for business rescue

Vision 2030 seeks to address the socio-economic challenges Zimbabwe is facing by focusing on key sectors such as agriculture, mining, manufacturing and tourism. Sunday Mail …

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Vubachikwe Mineworkers lose confidence in …

Vubachikwe Mine's workers say they have lost confidence in the shareholders and its management due to the continued mismanagement resulting in failure to pay

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Vubachikwe Mine forensic report raises stink

VUBACHIKWE Gold Mine's prospects of reopening looks bleak as a forensic investigation revealed several issues that could hurt its future operations such as mismanagement and mounting debts.

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Vubachikwe Mine moves to restore key social …

Today, Vubachikwe Mine is a far cry from the noise, commotion, tear smoke, anarchy and madness of that day. ... kicking in of a workout plan that will see a resource building phase and the ultimate return to full throttle …

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none kananji

· Experience: Duration Gold, Vubachikwe Mine · Education: Zimbabwe School of Mines · Location: Zimbabwe · 171 connections on LinkedIn. View none kananji's profile on LinkedIn, a …

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none kananji

Mine Manager (Duration gold, Vubachikwe Mine) · A professionally skilled mine captain/mine overseer who is hard working and always looking for challenging mining situations.Aspire to …

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Vubachikwe Mine moves to restore key social amenities

Sunday News (Zimbabwe) Vubachikwe Mine moves to restore key social amenities - IT was a scene unlike any other on Vubachikwe Gold Mine in Gwanda. …

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Gold from Vubachikwe Mine, Gwanda

ⓘ Old Nic Mine, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe: References: Econ Geol (1984) 79:162-171. Oberthuer, T., Saager, R., & Tomschi, H. P. (1990). Geological, mineralogical and geochemical aspects of …

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Gwanda-based mine fights push for business rescue

PressReader. Catalog; For You; Sunday News (Zimbabwe) Gwanda-based mine fights push for business rescue - . FORBES & THOMPSON Private Limited, the …

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Creditors seek corporate rescue for Vubachikwe …

Faced with the challenges of paying creditors and workers on time, operational challenges and declining profitability, Vubachikwe Mine eventually closed down a month after the worker strike. The...

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Vubachikwe Mine

Vumbachikwe Mine reportedly owes various creditors, including workers, the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority and Zesa Holdings more than US$10 million. By Staff Reporter …

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Vubachikwe, A Case of False Promises And Uncertainty

Vubachikwe Gold Mine in Gwanda closed on the 8th of November 2022, after workers downed their tools due to outstanding salary payments, poor working conditions and …

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Mining Through the Ages: Unraveling Zimbabwe's Mineral …

The history of mining in Zimbabwe stretches back centuries, with the country known for its rich mineral wealth and a diverse range of mining activities. Here's an overview …

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Location Maps

Mining Companies Statistics Users Mineral Museums Clubs & Organizations Mineral Shows & Events The Mindat Directory Device Settings The Mineral Quiz. ... Location Maps - …

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Workers call for Govt interventi­on to resuscitat­eVubachikw­e Mine …

PressReader. Catalog; For You; Sunday News (Zimbabwe) Workers call for Govt interventi­on to resuscitat­eVubachikw­e Mine - Vusumuzi Dube Continues on …

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Senior managers tour Vubachikwe Mine ahead of project …

Senior Management and staff of Vubachikwe Mine in Gwanda descended on the mine recently to ensure all is in place ahead of the kicking off of the small-scale gold project …

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Nasty fight over gold mine

It is further alleged that during the course of 2023, the two attempted to turn Vubachikwe staff against Mr Dolan, undermine the mine's financial position, steal and provide …

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The Chronicle

The story of Vubachikwe Mine in Gwanda reads like a Shakespearean tragedy, with the rise and fall of a once-great gold mine. ... Zimbabwe Newspapers (1980) Ltd is the oldest …

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Forensic Report Dashes Hopes for Vubachikwe …

A forensic report conducted by South Africa's ForFar Forensics has flagged the reopening of Vubachikwe Gold Mine, citing several issues such as mismanagement, mounting debts, and unscrupulous operations.

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Fight for Gwanda-based gold mine escalates | The Sunday Mail

Sunday Mail Reporter . THE ongoing messy battle for Vubachikwe gold mine recently escalated after shareholders Forbes & Thompson reported lawyers representing …

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Illegal miners die in mine collapse at Vubachikwe

Two illegal gold miners died at Vubachikwe Mine in Gwanda when the shaft they were working in collapsed. The mine has been closed for a year after a strike by mine workers over salaries. The deceased have been …

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Vubachikwe Mine

Vubachikwe Mine Gwanda Vubachikwe Mine is located in the province of Matabeleland South, Zimbabwe. It is located about 8 km north-west of Gwanda. Vubachikwe and Blanket Mines form part of the Sabiwa group of mines. A …

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The Chronicle

As the proud owner of the Vubachikwe Gold Mine in Gwanda, the Gaika open pit development project in Kwekwe and a portfolio of early-stage "greenfield" exploration projects, …

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