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Brazilian alexandrite, Carnaiba Mine

Brazilian alexandrite. Alexandrite is rare and usually low quality, although in the past few years some very excellent specimens of alexandrite from the Carnaiba mine appeared on the market. One pegmatite near Jaqueto yielded a …

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Russian Alexandrite, Malyshevskoye

Russian Alexandrite. The Malyshevskoye deposit, known for the Krasnobolotnoye mine (Red Swamp mines) which still produce fine quality Russian alexandrite to this day, but due to lack of financing and danger …

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Alexandrite World Occurrences

Presently, small quantities of Alexandrite are mined in Brazil, Sri Lanka, India, Myanmar, Tanzania and Zimbabwe. Most of the current production is alluvial where the alexandrite …

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Brazilian alexandrite, Caraiba mine

Information about Brazilian alexandrite findings and mining in Pindobacu, Brazil. ... (Zimbabwe) Home / Localities / Caraiba mine (Brazil) Brazilian alexandrite. Many finds of low quality …

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Chrysoberyl var. Alexandrite-Novello Mine …

Specimen of Chrysoberyl var. Alexandrite for sale from Novello Mine, Masvingo, Zimbabwe. 1350. Fine mineral and crystal samples for collections.

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Mining Zimbabwe Magazine

Timelison Media (Zimbabwe) ABOUT PUBLICATION Mining Zimbabwe is the premier source of Zimbabwe Mining News. Our core focus is the Zimbabwe Mining Industry, trends, new …

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Whitney Alexandrite

With its exceptional size, clarity, and amazing color change, this gem is one of the finest known alexandrites from the Hematita Mine in Minas Gerais, Brazil. The Whitney Alexandrite is a …

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Geographic Origin Determination of Alexandrite

Alexandrite has come mainly from two mining areas in Tanzania: Lake Manyara in the north and Tunduru in the south (Gübelin, 1976; Johnson and Koivula, 1996, 1997; …

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Alexandrite Mine ( Zimbabwe) | Alexandrite guide forums

Alexandrite Mine ( Zimbabwe) on Aug 16 2010, at 17:54 WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

American alexandrite, La Madera Mountain Mine

The best known pegmatite in New Mexico is the Harding pegmatite dike, well exposed in mine workings east of Dixon, Taos County. Once owned by Dr. Arthur Montgomery and …

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Alexandrite Value, Price, and Jewelry Information

"Eye of Alexandrite," Deer Creek fire agate with trillion-cut alexandrite. Photo by Jessa and Mark Anderson. Licensed under CC By 2.0. Sources. Mines in the Urals have re-opened but only …

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Alexandrite Mine ( Zimbabwe) | Alexandrite guide forums

Re: Alexandrite Mine ( Zimbabwe) on Aug 16 2010, at 19:24 WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Russian Alexandrite, Izumrudnye Kopi

Izumrudnye Kopi (Emerald mines) is a mining region of rich berillium, emerald, alexandrite and phenakite deposits and includes granites of Aduiskii and Malyshevskii massives, rare metal pegmatites at Kvartalnoye and Lipoviy …

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Zimbabwean alexandrite, Girdlestone Farm

Alexandrite found at Girdlestone Farm are small well-formed orthorhombic repeated twins forming pseudo hexagonal crystals of gem quality with a strong color change, from dark green to purple red. The present situation in …

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Alexandrite | Girdlestone Farm, Masvingo, …

In the 1980s, there was a discovery of some fine quality gem Alexandrite from the Girdlestone Farm in Zimbabwe. This "Trillion" cut stone came out of an old stash of gems from a recent collection acquisition and are …

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Alexandrite: Mineral information, data and localities.

A variety of Chrysoberyl Green chromian variety of chrysoberyl (intermediate member of Chrysoberyl-Mariinskite series) that exhibits a color change in natural and artificial light from …

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Alexandrite from Girdlestone Farm, Mwenezi District, …

Mining Companies Statistics Users Mineral Museums Clubs & Organizations Mineral Shows & Events The Mindat Directory Device Settings The ... Alexandrite Girdlestone Farm, Mwenezi …

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Chrysoberyl var. Alexandrite-Novello Mine Zimbabwe

Specimen of Chrysoberyl var. Alexandrite for sale from Novello Mine, Masvingo, Zimbabwe. 685. Fine mineral and crystal samples for collections. ... Novello Mine, Masvingo, Zimbabwe. 2.7x …

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Masvingo, Zimbabwe

This beautiful and sharp Alexandrite from Novello Mine, Masvingo District, Zimbabwe has a excellent color change. Here you can see the natural color coming out. The specimen is an …

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Alexandrite from Novello Mine, Masvingo District, Masvingo, …

To form alexandrite, chromium is needed, and chromium is more prevalent... pegmatites that usually host chrysoberyl. So alexandrite forms only if the geologic conditions are right...

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Alexandrite World Occurrences and Mining …

The Hematita mine is known for the finest alexandrite, but today there are very few high quality alexandrites from Hematita on the market. A new owner has taken over the old Hematita mine and no one knows how much more the …

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named this new gem alexandrite in 1834 in honor of the future Czar Alexander II (Kozlov, 2005). This im - ... Zimbabwe (Brown and Kelly, 1984; Schmetzer et al., 2011) as a byproduct of …

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Masvingo, Zimbabwe

Novello Mine, Masvingo District, Masvingo, Zimbabwe. This large palm sized specimen contains numerous alexandrite trillings (or sixlings). On closer inspection, three trillings can clearly be …

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Chrysoberyl var. Alexandrite-Novello Mine Zimbabwe

Specimen of Chrysoberyl var. Alexandrite for sale from Novello Mine, Masvingo, Zimbabwe. 1500. Fine mineral and crystal samples for collections. ... Novello Mine, Masvingo, Zimbabwe. 8.7x …

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Alexandrite Mine ( Zimbabwe) | Alexandrite guide forums

Alexandrite Mine ( Zimbabwe) on Aug 16 2010, at 17:54 in Alexandrite Mine ( Zimbabwe) WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Brazilian alexandrite, Hematita

Brazilian alexandrite. The Hematita mine is known for the finest alexandrite, but today there are very few high quality alexandrites from Hematita on the market. A new owner has taken over …

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Alexandrite is often recovered as a byproduct of mining for other gem-stones (e.g., emerald and corundum), so it can be difficult to secure reliable parcels of samples because pro-duction is …

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Gemstones types and location found in Zimbabwe

Mining Zimbabwe Mining Zimbabwe - Latest Mining News, Policy, and Industry Updates-1.2 C. New York. Search. My account. Get into your account. Login HOME. NEWS ...

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Photos : Alexandrite

Photos Alexandrite - Novello Mine, Masvingo, Masvingo, Zimbabwe. 25th Jun 2014 22:32 UTC Richard Gunter Expert. ... Alexandrites from Zimbabwe are said to have …

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Alexandrite Mine ( Zimbabwe) | Alexandrite guide forums

Alexandrite Mine ( Zimbabwe) on Aug 16 2010, at 17:54 WhatsApp: +86 18221755073