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Drivers of artisanal and small-scale mining in the Denkyira …

This study examined how social pressures push people into artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) in the Denkyira area in the Central Region of Ghana. A mixed-method …

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Environmental degradation resulting from mining activities is mostly attributed to illegal small-scale mining. As small-scale illegal gold mining in Ghana customarily involved the use of basic ...

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As a means to addressing the disastrous consequences of illegal small scale mining, also known as galamsey, on the environment in many mining communities in the country, the Government of Ghana has implemented the Alternative Livelihood Project (ALP) to offer alternative livelihoods for illegal small scale miners and combat illegal small-scale mining activities in the country.

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Factors influencing participation in illegal mining in …

which support human existence, thus, in turn destroying the ecosystem. Galamsey activities are responsible for deforestation and soil erosion in most of the mining communities which Denkyira corridor is no exception. This study therefore investigated factors that influence ones decision to participate in illegal mining in Denkyira corridor.

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Mining activities over the years have formed an integral part of the economic development ... individual's decision to participate in illegal mining activities in the Denkyira corridor in Ghana. On this ground, they recommended an intense mass education on the negative effects of illegal

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Mining activities over the years have formed an integral part of the economic development ... individual's decision to participate in illegal mining activities in the Denkyira corridor in Ghana.

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(PDF) Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining Impact on Soil …

The gold mining industry in Ghana has made a substantial contribution to the country's economic growth by generating diverse employment opportunities, both directly and indirectly, in mining ...

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Informal artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) in …

Mining activities often result in the degradation of all vegetation of organic materials resulting in losses of organic carbon in mining soils (Essandoh et al., 2021). The organic …

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(PDF) Small Scale Gold Mining and Environmental …

Any mining activity which takes place in such areas is considered illegal. National statistics indicate that gold mining industry is a major employer in Ghana. It is estimated that it employs over 520,000 Ghanaians, with about 4 percent working in the large scale subsector and 96 percent in the small scale mining subsector (Ghana National ...

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Undoubtedly, mining activities either illegal or legal tend to give financial support and independence to people involved in it and the communities in which mining operations occur tend to ...

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Cocoa farmers’ choice of alternative livelihood in mining communities

Mining and cocoa production are important livelihoods for people in Ghana, particularly in rural communities like Upper Denkyira West District. However, mining activities can have negative impacts on cocoa production and access to basic necessities for the sustenance of the people. This study sought to investigate cocoa farmers' perception of the impact of mining on socio- …

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Galamsey Site Reclamation – Denkyira Heritage Foundation

The Denkyira Heritage Foundation is spearheading the reclamation of galamsey (illegal mining) sites within the Denkyira Kingdom to address the severe environmental impacts of these …

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Informal artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) in …

Informal artisanal and small-scale mining (ASGM) activities continue to have far-reaching consequences on the environment (Adetunde et al., 2014; Macdonald et al., 2015; Duncan, 2020).This activity is characterized by siltation of rivers and streams, loss of vegetative cover and soils, among others, necessitating constant assessment for a clearer understanding …

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(PDF) Factors influencing participation in illegal mining in …

Galamsey activities are responsible for deforestation and soil erosion in most of the mining. Illegal mining is not only dangerous to human life but the other living organisms which support human existence, thus, in turn destroying the ecosystem. ... Factors influencing participation in illegal mining in Ghana: A case of Denkyira Corridor.

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4.5 Illegal Mining Activities that Cause Environmental Pollution 64 4.6 Mining activity that affects communities the most. 65 4.7 Community Initiatives on Mitigating Illegal Mining and Its Associated ... Denkyira and Bibiani to the south. The District serves as a regional boundary between

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AFRICA | 101 Last Tribes

Denkyira. Denkyira people are ... Agriculture and its related activities constitute the most important activities in the district. It provides employment for about 46.0 per cent of the active working population. The predominant farm practice is mixed cropping. ... In addition to mining, small scale activities in quarrying are undertaken in the ...

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Gold Mining Effects on Water Quality in Domenase and …

Domenase and Nkontomisa on the Offin River in the Upper Denkyira West District of the Central region of Ghana. The decreasing trend of metals was observed in water as Hg > Pb > As > Mn >Fe, whiles the ... their mining activities (Simutanyi, 2008). Mining affects fresh water through heavy use of water in processing ore, water pollution

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Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining Impact on …

The study concluded that stricter mining regulations, promoting sustainable mining practices, and providing comprehensive training to miners on environmental protection and land reclamation can help mitigate the negative …

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Perseus Mining extends mining concessions to three …

It would pay compensation to eligible owners and lawful occupiers of crops, buildings and fishponds on the designated land, in accordance with the mining Acts and …

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Analyzing the dynamics influencing artisanal and small‐scale …

A sample size of 330 individuals, comprising small-scale miners and farmers, was randomly selected from 10 mining communities within the Upper Denkyira Municipality to …

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Mining activities disrupting Social Protection messaging in …

Gold mining activities are impeding communication about Social Protection (SP) in the Upper Denkyira West District of Ghana. This revelation was made during a day's empowerment workshop for the ...

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Galamsey: How 'C&G Alesksa' mining destroyed 24,000

General News of Wednesday, 27 February 2019. Source: mynewsgh Galamsey: How 'C&G Alesksa' mining destroyed 24,000 acres forest reserve in Denkyira

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Illegal mining: A threat to food security in Upper Denkyira …

The Upper Denkyira West District is one of the 22 Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDAs) in the Central Region. It shares common boundaries with Babiani Ahwiaso Bekwai Municipal ...

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ocoa-producing regions of Ghana, such as the Upper Denkyira East District, galamsey activities have encroached on cocoa lands, with estimates.

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Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining Impact on Soil …

Upper Denkyira East Municipality, Ghana Clifford James Fagariba1,*, John Bosco Baguri Sumani1,and Asaah Sumaila Mohammed2 ... on illegal mining activities in 2017 due to the harmful environmental effects caused by these activities. This ban affected operators involved in artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) [28]–[30].

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Cocoa farmers choice of alternative livelihood in mining …

Mining and cocoa production are important livelihoods for people in Ghana, particularly in rural communities like Upper Denkyira West District. However, mining activities can have negative impacts on cocoa production and access to basic necessities for the sustenance of the people. This study sought to investigate cocoa farmers' perception of the impact of mining …

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Small Scale Gold Mining and Environmental …

the mining activities, notwithstanding the ban on those operations. Rather, the law ... environment from operations of small scale gold mining in the Denkyira corridor in

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Impact of Illegal Mining Activities on Cocoa …

Cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) is mainly pollinated by Ceratopogonid midges (Forcipomyia spp.). Wild pollinators are important to both cocoa production and natural ecosystems, and are threatened by land-use …

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farmers' choice of alternative livelihood in mining …

Upper Denkyira West District and serve as source of water for irrigating farms and other uses, have been polluted by mining activities (Adjei et al., 2012). Moreover, the six hospitals in Upper Denkyira West District assert that malaria is the most reported health problem in the district.

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Analyzing the dynamics influencing artisanal and small‐scale mining …

Mining activities, particularly illegal mining was identified to be the dominant driver of deforestation in the Ankobra Basin between the years 2008 and 2016 where mining activities in the basin ...

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