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Mine (Tropico 3) | Tropico Wiki

For buildings of the same name in other Tropico games, see Mine. Mines process mineral deposits that can be exported or processed into more profitable goods at Weapons Factory(Iron) or Jewelry Factory(Gold). All Minerals: The …

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Electronics Factory (Tropico 4) | Tropico Wiki

For buildings of the same name in other Tropico games, see Electronics Factory. Electronics factories are industry buildings in Modern Times (Tropico 4). Workers here use Bauxite and Gold to create consumer electronics for sale.

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Whats the best way to start my city?

Tropico 4; Whats the best way to start my city? BiggyDX 13 years ago #1. I normally start finding places to mine and get maybe one or two farms to start exporting. After that I work on …

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Mining and Farming

Tropico 3 Xbox 360 . iOS (iPhone/iPad) PC. Log in to add games to your lists. Notify me about new: Guides. Cheats. Reviews. Questions. News. Board Topics. ... An early iron or bauxite …

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Tips for starting a healthy industry.

Plus, if you use the resources nearer your city center first, they will run out quicker. Then you can destroy the mine and expand over the old mine site without having to worry about the pollution …

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What can bauxite be used for tropico

Depending on the deposit, you can extract one of five kinds of minerals in a mine: coal, iron, bauxite (aluminum ore), gold and uranium.. Coal and uranium may … Methods for Alkaline …

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Mine (Tropico 5) | Tropico Wiki | Fandom

Bauxite: The mine will exploit nearby Bauxite deposits. Gold: The mine will exploit nearby Gold deposits. Mineral deposits may have up to 8 Picking Sites, ~30 feet apart, central to their overlay concentration. It is important to not …

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Vehicle Factory (Tropico 5) | Tropico Wiki | Fandom

Produces Cars from Steel and Bauxite. Agricultural vehicles: $18,000. The efficiency of all plantations on the island increases by 15 points, based on efficiency (Max 30). Air filtration …

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Goods (Tropico 1)

Goods are items in Tropico that are consumed by citizens, exported for income, or processed into other goods. They are produced by various source buildings and must be hauled between …

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Made In Tropico achievement in Tropico 5

How to unlock the Made In Tropico achievement in Tropico 5 - Penultimate Edition: Export 100 000 Luxury Goods. This achievement is worth 20 Gamerscore.

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sbm/sbm tropico 4 bauxite use.md at master

sbm tropico 4 bauxite useTropico 5 guide: Which industries create most money. May 24,2014· In the Tropico 5 campaign you will generally you will start with Iron or Bauxite deposits …

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3. Earning money

Mines have one particular fault - their resources expire after some time.. No matter if for example 100.000 tonnes seems a lot, a well situated mine can exploit it in a dozen or so years.. Depending on the deposit, you …

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Tropico 4: Gold Edition

You can even use this as an indicator to see how stable your workforce is. If tropicans seem to have lots of low level skills then this is a bad sign of instability and it slowing …

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Made In Tropico achievement in Tropico 5

How to unlock the Made In Tropico achievement in Tropico 5 - Penultimate Edition: Export 100 000 Luxury Goods. This achievement is worth 20 Gamerscore. TrueAchievements

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How to import more Bauxite?

Bauxite is extremely valuable end-game due to its use in vehicle and electronics factories but I can't seem to import more than 1 ship (3000 units) at a time. I have 4 ships importing bauxite …

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National Park | Tropico Wiki | Fandom

The National Park is an entertainment building in Tropico 5. It reserves a portion of the island as a wildlife sanctuary where Tropicans and tourists alike can enjoy nature. It is unique that it requires no employees and a budget, and the …

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tropico 4

Car Factories turn bauxite into cars. Electronics factories turn it into electronics. Canneries turn coffee, fish, and pineapple into canned versions of those products. Cigar …

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Nueva Esperanza

Nueva Esperanza (New Hope) is an island in Tropico 4. The island is shaped liked a spiral, with pockets of humidity and ancient ruins at the spiral's center. Unfortunately, this is also where the island's volcano is. The island has no …

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Mine (Tropico 1) | Tropico Wiki | Fandom

Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.

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Electronics Factory (Tropico 4) | Tropico Wiki | Fandom

For buildings of the same name in other Tropico games, see Electronics Factory. Electronics factories are industry buildings in Modern Times (Tropico 4). Workers here use Bauxite and …

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Top 5 bauxite mining projects uncovered around the world …

Set in the bauxite-rich Central Highlands, this $4.1 billion project exemplifies the future of mining through a circular economy model. Spanning three phases over a decade, the …

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Automated Mine

Automated Mines are raw resource buildings in Tropico 5. Automated Mines are faster at gathering resources than mines at the cost of being more expensive to maintain. Mines can be …

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Pan-Caribbean Games is the strongest of these three edicts in terms of Tourism Rating and Entertainment Quality, but it's a one-time only thing, so use it when you feel it can …

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tropico 5

What kind of answer are you looking for? Tropico is not setup to micromanage, exactly how many gold units you export and how many you use in your production. If you have …

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tropico 4

Car Factories turn bauxite into cars. Electronics factories turn it into electronics. Canneries turn coffee, fish, and pineapple into canned versions of those products.; Cigar …

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How do you export

Make sure they are near roads, have a garage near the dock so your teamsters can travel more quickly, and one near your farms. Also make sure you have a full compliment of teamsters. …

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For the Foreign Power in Tropico 5, see USSR (Tropico 5). The USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) is a superpower in Tropico 3 and Tropico 4. The USSR was founded on the …

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Bauxite | Properties, Formation, Uses » geologyscience

Bauxite is a sedimentary rock mineral that is the primary source of aluminum. It is formed through the weathering of aluminum-rich rocks in tropical and subtropical regions. The …

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Automated Mine | Tropico Wiki

Chemical Extractor: For $3,000, a bauxite mine can be made to use hazardous chemicals to extract bauxite, increasing its effectiveness by 30 but decreasing the mine's job quality by 10.

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what can bauxite be used for tropico

Mine (Tropico 3 and 4) ... Bauxite can be smelted and used to make Electronics in electronics factories or Cars in car ... Tropico Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community.

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