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Strip Mining An Annotated Bibliography (book)

Strip Mining An Annotated Bibliography: Strip Mining Robert F. Munn, Environmental Health Perspectives,1993 FWS/OBS.,1977 USDA Forest Service General Technical Report …

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Browse subject: Coal mines and mining -- Bibliography

No exact match for coal mines and mining bibliography. Showing nearby subjects. Browsing Subjects : "Coal mines and mining -- Accidents" to "Coal mining" ... Coal mines and mining -- …

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(PDF) The dynamics and livelihood implications of illegal mining …

Discourses on "illegal" or informal small‐scale mining (galamsey) have presented it largely as a menace. Using Ghana as the focus of our study, we present a counter‐narrative to …

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Citation Mining

Imagine a source as a seed, its bibliography (list of references, works cited, etc.) as the roots, and any works that have cited your source as the sprout. Once you've found your seed, you can employ the following citation mining methods.

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Research 101: Mining Reference Lists

When authors borrow information they credit their sources. In-text citations or footnotes correspond to a list of sources at the end of the work. This list of sources may be …

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A Cornish mining bibliography (draft only – to be …

A Cornish mining bibliography (draft only –to be updated) For convenience, the titles are grouped into the following categories which represent important aspects of mining within Cornwall and …

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(PDF) Identification and categorization of hazards …

Control of OHS risks in the mining industry has been attracting increasing attention in recent years. Because of their great diversity in a complex system, hazards can be difficult to identify and ...

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This guide is intended to provide an overview of the definition and application of text mining in search strategy development and study selection; it includes a list of tools and …

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Bibliographies: 'Mining

Pre-1994, the mining companies had been under scrutiny for a wide range of negative environmental and social impacts in their operational areas. The mining companies …

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eGenPub, a text mining system for extending …

We will investigate how to improve the recall of eGenPub without significantly affect its precision. Working closely with UniProt, we have demonstrated a robust text mining method for …

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Ground control and mining in permafrost (including a bibliography)

Download Citation | On Jul 23, 2020, J. E. Udd and others published Ground control and mining in permafrost (including a bibliography) | Find, read and cite all the …

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Book contents. Frontmatter; Contents; Acknowledgments; List of Tables and Figures; List of Acronyms; Introduction; Chapter One Mining in the Philippines; Chapter Two …

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This survey conducts a comprehensive overview of the state-of-the-art research work on multimedia big data analytics, and aims to bridge the gap between multimedia …

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Strip Mining An Annotated Bibliography [PDF]

Strip Mining An Annotated Bibliography: Strip Mining Robert F. Munn, Environmental Health Perspectives,1993 FWS/OBS.,1977 USDA Forest Service General Technical Report …

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What is "citation mining'?

What is citation mining? 'Citation mining' utilizes known information about a specific article to identify other articles that are relevant. How? It's simple ! First, find the …

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Find Sources FAST!

Bibliographic Mining is studying the bibliographies of the items you are consulting in your research & then locating and utilizing those same cited sources. For example, you …

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What is Bibliography?: Meaning, Types, and Importance

Enumerative Bibliography: Enumerative bibliography is a branch of bibliography that involves systematically listing books, articles, and other written or published materials …

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Bibliography Examples

Creating a bibliography can often seem like a daunting task, but it's an essential part of academic writing. A bibliography is a comprehensive list of all the sources you have …

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Mining Bibliography | The Oxford Roman Economy Project

E. Imamović, "Rimske rudarske ceste na području rimske provincije Dalmacije." Prilozi Instituta za istoriju u Sarajevu. XX/21 (1985): 31-52. E. Pašalić, "O antičkom rudarstvu u …

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Bibliography: Mining and the West | Mining Maps and …

The Mining West : a Bibliography & Guide to the History & Literature of Mining in the American and Canadian West. edited by Richard E. Lingenfelter, Scarecrow Press, Inc., 2003. Seeing …

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Citation Chaining (or Reference Mining)

Citation chaining (sometimes called Reference Mining), like descriptor chaining, is another way to expand your search. It involves reviewing the bibliographies/works cited/references list of particularly relevant articles …

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Bibliography [ADE 10] ÄDEL A., "Just to give you kind of a map of where we are going: A taxonomy of metadiscourse in spoken and written academic English", Nordic Journal … - …

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Clifton, C., and Cooley, R. (1999). TopCat: Data Mining for Topic Identification in a Text Corpus. In Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Principles of Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. Prague, Springer, Berlin: 174–183.

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Bibliography – Mining Life

Bibliography Throughout the development of this PhD research, the following bibliography has been reviewed for various purposes: Boal, Augusto. Games for Actors and Non-Actors. …

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Mines & Mining Bibliography | History Colorado

Eberhart, Perry. Guide to the Colorado Ghost Towns and Mining Camps.Athens: Swallow Press, 1981. Fell, James E. Jr. Ores to Metals. The Rocky Mountain Smelting Industry.Lincoln, Neb.: …

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Strip Mining An Annotated Bibliography (Download Only)

Strip Mining An Annotated Bibliography: Strip Mining Robert F. Munn, Environmental Health Perspectives,1993 FWS/OBS.,1977 USDA Forest Service General Technical Report …

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Mining Reference Lists

This list of sources may be called references, works cited, or a bibliography. Mining a reference list means looking up these sources for yourself. Careful crediting of …

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The full text of this article hosted at iucr is unavailable due to technical difficulties.

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Selected Bibliography | Mining Geophysics Volume II, …

A number of investigators have aided the editors in the selection of the following bibliography. Entries were chosen as the most significant and most useful for those interested in the …

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Annotated Bibliography on Association Rule Mining

This page contains my annotated bibliography on Association Rules. The annotation is kept very concise and only serves as a guide to what paper one should read to find information on a …

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