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Linz-Donawitz (LD) slag from the metallurgical process and fly ash from thermal power plant which creates environmental pollution when dumped in open land. In this investigation, BF and LD slag are incorporated in quartz free fly ash based porcelain system and changes in their properties, phase and microstructural evolution were studied.

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(PDF) Characterisation of LD slag of Bokaro Steel …

Characterisation of LD slag of Bokaro Steel Plant and its feasibility study of manufacturing commercial 'fly ash–LD slag' bricks ... (Fly ash - 35% + LD slag - 30% + Gypsum - 5% + Quarry ...

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Evaluation of slag/fly ash based geopolymer concrete with steel …

Geopolymer concrete's compressive strength values vary depending on the slag/fly ash ratio. Previous studies [7] with geopolymer concrete produced with fly ash show low reactivity at room temperature. Due to this situation, a high-temperature curing method has been chosen in some studies [8].However, N.K.Lee and H.K Lee [6], in their study, obtained …

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Fly ash sinking beads and

The most commonly used one-part AAC are GBFS and fly ash (FA). GBFS is the most commonly used raw material for AAC production. AAC derived from GBFS possess a dense microstructure and excellent mechanical properties [4], [5], but the disadvantage of using slag alone is that the setting time is too fast, which can narrow the application range of AAC [6].

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Bulk utilization of steel slag–fly ash composite: a …

This study explores the utilization of steel slag and y ash in road construction to address the increasing demand for pave-ment materials and the scarcity of natural aggregates. For this …

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Bond between alkali-activated steel slag/fly ash lightweight …

The use of steel slag (SS) in alkali-activated cement can reduce the carbon emission and cost of lightweight mortar. The effects of SS on the bond strength and the microstructure of the interface between alkali-activated SS/fly ash (FA) lightweight mortar (ASFm) and concrete substrates was studied.

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Coal fly ash and steel slag valorisation throughout a …

H.R. Guzmán-Carrillo, J.M. Pérez, M. Romero, Coal fly ash and steel slag valorisation throughout a vitrification process. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 15 (2018) 1757-1766; doi: 10.1007/s13762-017-1542-5 1 Coal fly ash and steel slag valorisation throughout a vitrification process.

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Amelioration Effect of Fly Ash and Powdered Ground Steel Slag …

Te utilization of fy ash (FA) and powdered granulated steel slag (PGSS) as additives in soil stabilization plays a crucial role in environmental, economic, and weak soil property improving advantages.

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Influence of Steel Slag on Properties of Cement-Based …

The improper treatment of steel slag (SS) will cause serious environmental problems. Therefore, appropriate management and disposal practices are essential to mitigate the potential environmental risks. This paper delineated the impact of steel slag on cement-based materials' working performances. The paper provides an exhaustive overview of the …

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(PDF) Characterisation of LD slag of Bokaro Steel Plant and …

International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology, 2017. This paper review the generation of slag from an integrated steel plant; focusing on, slag generated in blast furnace during process of iron making and through EAF / BOF during process of steel making .The slag generated from BF and EAF/BOF are having different characteristic.

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Effective Utilization of Fly Ash and Steel Slag for Partial …

Numerous industrial by-products such as steel slag, fly ash, ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS) have been tried and tested successfully ... Fly ash is obtained from Raichur thermal power plant in Karnataka, India. Fly ash is a by-product of the coal combustion process that contains finer particles than cement. It reduces bleeding and ...

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Effective Utilization of Fly Ash and Steel Slag for Partial …

This study investigated the potential for incorporating fly ash and steel slag as partial replacements for cement and fine aggregate respectively to achieve an alternate M20 …

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Processing Ash and Slag Wastes from Thermal Power Stations. Part 2

For existing coal-fired power plants, current methods of utilizing ash and slag waste may be considered in addressing new environmental and economic risks. However, for new power sources, environmental considerations are much more important in selecting the coal-combustion technology. Technology based on a circulating fluidized bed is sometimes cited as …

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Enhancing the performance of concrete containing fly ash and steel

In this study, fly ash (FA), steel slag (SS), magnesium oxide (MgO), and magnesium sulfate (MgSO 4) were used as raw materials to prepare a new type of solid waste-based concrete in the laboratory via a pressure ing process (PFP).Pressure ing was performed to balance the force of the bubbles and improve the uniformity of the pores.

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Efficient use of steel slag in alkali-activated fly ash-steel slag

In order to find an effective way to use steel slag (SS), this study explored the possibility of using SS and ground granulated blast-furnace slag (GGBS) as a composite …

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Studies on the Volumetric Stability and Mechanical …

2.1. Materials. Steel slag was supplied from Taiyuan Iron and Steel Group (Taiyuan, China). The chemical composition of steel slag was detected by X-ray fluorescence ( PANalytical.B.V, Almelo, The Netherlands), as shown in Table 1.The X-ray diffraction analysis of the steel slag was conducted as shown in Figure 1.The refinement of the particle size in steel …

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Fly ash and slag

Fly ash and slag addition improves transport properties of concrete after exposure to high temperatures. ... Biomass-fly ash and biomass-bottom ash obtained at the cogeneration plant were used in the dry-cast concrete composition. ... After the grinding process, ash grains had a more regular structure and less open pores, ...

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reported production of 748,836 tonnes of slag. Bhilai Steel Plant reported production of 1,557,343 tonnes granulated slag. KIC Metaliks reported production ... by utilising blast furnace slag and fly ash generated from power plants. ... of the final slag. Process can be described as an accelerated ageing process that reduces the free

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Fly Ash Processing Plant Technological Process

The fly ash processing plant produced by AGICO includes a ball mill grinding system, conveying system, dust collecting system, ash classifying system and ash storing system. It helps our customers realize reasonable solid waste …

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Coal fly ash and steel slag valorisation throughout a vitrification process

The aim of this research was to evaluate the feasibility of using the vitrification process as an alternative solution to the disposal of a coal fly ash and metallurgical slags in landfills. The starting wastes were characterised in terms of chemical, granulometric, mineralogical, and microstructural analysis. A selected batch composition composed by 58.5% …

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Utilizing fly ash from a power plant company for CO2 …

The separation of carbon dioxide by mineral waste with alkaline properties is an innovative technology for storing carbon dioxide. This experiment utilized an aqueous solution containing seawater and fly ash in a microchannel to investigate CO 2 absorption. In all experiments, the concentration of CO 2 in feed gas was 10.5% at atmospheric pressure. A …

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Coal fly ash and steel slag valorisation throughout a …

ion to the disposal of a coal fly ash and metallurgical slags in landfills. The starting wastes were characterised in te. ms of chemical, granulometric, mineralogical, and microstructural analysis. …

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CO2 capture and mineralization using carbide slag doped fly ash

A novel direct gas–solid mineral carbonation process using carbide slag doped fly ash to capture and mineralize CO 2 from flue gas was developed to overcome the barriers of long reaction time and large reactor size from aqueous processes. A laboratory-scale fixed bed reactor with a thermogravimetric analyser and a pilot-scale circulating entrained-flow bed (CEB) rector …

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Toughness study of polyacrylamide-modified slag/fly ash …

The experimental fly ash used in this study was sourced from the Huaneng Power Plant in Jinan, China, meeting the relevant specifications for Class I fly ash as per the Chinese standard GB/T 1596–2017. ... the voids and microcracks in the matrix while interlocking and bonding with particles of different reaction degrees of slag and fly ash ...

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Fly Ash Processing Plant Technological Process

The fly ash processing plant constructed by AGICO Cement is highly automated and mechanized, with low investment, high profit, simple structure and easy operation, which helps each region realize reasonable waste recycling and …

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Characterisation of LD slag of Bokaro Steel Plant and its …

The specific gravity and bulk density of LD slag samples were found to be high in comparison to fly ash samples. The EDS X-ray micro analysis showed that major elemental compositions of LD slag samples are O and Ca by weight. The XRF analysis showed that the major components of the LD slag samples are CaO, FeO and SiO 2. The differential ...

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Flowchart of slag production in a modern steel plant

Integrated steel plants are using the basic oxygen process or in electric arc furnaces (EAF) for steel production. ... Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh steel slag, fly ash dan ...

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An overview of utilization of slag and sludge from steel industries

Fly ash – Power plant: Steel plant slags mainly include blast furnace slag and steel melting slag (open hearth or LD process slag). Various efforts have been made on the utilization of blast furnace and steel slags. These are competitive raw materials for industrial mineral industry. A comparison of the qualities between air-cooled blast ...

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Amelioration Effect of Fly Ash and Powdered Ground Steel Slag …

Stabilization is the process of blending soil with economical and easily available admixtures in the construction vicinity. ... the presence of siliceous and calcareous in fly ash and steel slag waste products makes them be used as admixtures. ... PGSS is sourced from a Kalliti Iron and Steel plant stockpile in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. It is made ...

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What is fly ash in steel plant, why and how to make it to …

The steelmaking industry is a typical resource-energy-intensive industry that produces a variety of solid wastes, which include lots of dust. From the raw material unit to the rolling line workshop, dust is generated in each process. Dust will be collected through the dust collecting system, when the dust wind goes through th…See more on briquettesolution

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    Using steel slag and fly ash solid wastes to fabricate ceramics …

    In this study, PMs were prepared with steel slag and fly ash by sintering via forming certain ceramic crystalline phases, then a series of composites (pFA, pSS, DSWM, …

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