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(PDF) Radiological Evaluation of Abu-Tartur Phosphate in …

The contents of natural radionuclides ( 226 Ra, 232 Th and 40 K) were measured in sedimentary phosphate rock samples (Abu-Tartur phosphate, Western Desert Egypt) by using gamma spectrometry (NaI (Tl) 3"3 3"). Phosphate and environmental samples were collected from Abu-Tartur phosphate mine and the surrounding region.

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Effects of Weathering on Glauconite: Evidence from the …

During fieldwork in spring 2009, the ATM (Abu Tartur Middle, Figure 2) section was measured, logged, sampled, and characterized sedimentologically. The section was taken along a SW NE striking cliff face in the Abu Tartur mine of Egypt, at N 25º25 36.2 and E30º05 11.2 . Thirty-six sediment layers could be

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Enrichment of abu-tartur phosphate ore wastes

In this work, the amenability of upgrading the reject generated from beneficiating Abu-Tartur phosphate ore by magnetic separation was investigated by two methods: leaching with acetic acid ...

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Upper Cretaceous siderite concretions of Abu Tartur, …

the black shale and glauconite sediments at At Abu Tartur plateau, Egypt to: (1) sheds light on its mineralogical characterization, (2) to carefully study the mineralogical and structure of the carbonate concretions from the Late Cretaceous Duwi Formation at Abu Tartur plateau, Egypt and (3) discuss the diagenetic depositional environments in

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impact of abu tartur rock

impact of abu tartur rock. MASTERARBEIT . The Abu Tartur mine is located in the Western Desert of Egypt, 50 km west of El Kharga City. Geologically, the Abu Tartur plateau is built by a sequence of Upper Cretaceous (Campanian – Maastrichtian) phosphorites, black shales and glauconitic sandstones. The phosphate deposits are of great economic ...

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Upper Cretaceous siderite concretions of Abu Tartur, Egypt

Hassan et al. (2022) have been documented the field occurrence of flattened siderite concretions in Abu Tartur sediments. They attributed the flattened siderite concretions to the high degree of compaction as a consequence of Cretaceous earthquakes.

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Phosphate Mining Wastes at Abu Tartur Mine Area, Western …

Solid and liquid wastes associated with the phosphate mining and beneficiation activities at Abu Tartur phosphate mine were collected from the tailing pond. Characterization methods were used to assess the physical and chemical properties that may impose environmental and/or human health risks. The hydraulic conductivity of the sampled slurry can be described as slow to …

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(PDF) Glauconite facies developed sequentially in …

Abu Tartur led to a general belief that the origin of the glau- conite sediments is linked to the effects of hydrodynamic and physicochemical mechanisms (Glenn and Arthur 1990 ;

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Glauconite facies developed sequentially in the Abu Tartur …

Careful field and petrographic inspections of glauconite in Abu Tartur led to a general belief that the origin of the glauconite sediments is linked to the effects of hydrodynamic and physicochemical mechanisms (Glenn and Arthur 1990; El Ayyat et al. 2018). The dominance of suitable physicochemical conditions was important for piling up ...

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Evaluation and Optimization of Abu Tartur Egyptian …

phosphate content in Abu Tartur ore to reach to 85.8%, these organic acids are produ ced from utilization of sucrose by A.niger, and this agree with Hefnawy et al . (2009), and

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Recovery of Uranium and Rare Earth Elements from …

The Abu-Tartur phosphate deposit (Western desert, Egypt) is one of the largest phosphate deposits in the world. It is geomorphologically localized in the southeastern portion of the Abu-Tartur plateau (600 km from Cairo) and is the largest source of uranium and rare earth elements (REEs) in Egypt [1]. Abu-Tartur plateau

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Selective leaching kinetics and upgrading of low-grade …

The dissolution kinetics of the Abu-Tartur phosphate rock using dilute hydrochloric acid has been investigated. The influence of acid concentration, liquid/solid ratio, particle size and temperature … Expand

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Open Access Dissolution Kinetics of Lanthanides from …

from Abu-Tartur phosphate rock using Tartaric acid; in order to assess the dissolution mechanism and establish an ... effects of reaction time, Tartaric acid concentration,

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Phosphate Mining Wastes at Abu Tartur Mine Area, …

Abu-Tartur phosphate mine is the largest phosphate mine in Egypt. The mine located adjacent to Abu Tartur plateau, some 50 Km to the west of El Kharga Oasis, Western Desert of Egypt (Figure 1). The estimated phosphate ore reserves in the area may reach up to billion tons. An extensive geological drilling exploration

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Newly conventional combination of sedimentological and technological studies aid in estimation of the resource potential of the Upper Cretaceous clays of Duwi Formation Abu Tartur plateau Western Desert, Egypt. This formation consists of interbedded black to Grey shale, phosphatic and glauconitic sandstones. The granulometric, mineralogical, and geochemical analyses …

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Facies characteristics, diagenetic phenomena, and the impact …

The contents of natural radionuclides (226Ra, 232Th and 40K) were measured in sedimentary phosphate rock samples (Abu-Tartur phosphate, Western Desert Egypt) by using gamma spectrometry (NaI (Tl ...

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The potential production of rock-based fertilizer and soil …

The current phosphate mine wastes at El-Liffiya-Maghrabi sector, Abu-Tartur plateau, are represented by low-grade phosphorites along with overburden of glauconite and shale deposits.

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Late Campanian Climatic-Continental Weathering …

Climatic variability and silicate weathering are remarkable features throughout the Late Cretaceous period. Late Campanian black shale is considered the most significant silicate source rock in the southern Tethys. Here, we used mineralogical and geochemical data to evaluate the continental weathering intensity and climatic changes as well as their impact on …

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Recovery of lanthanides from Abu Tartur phosphate rock, …

A significant benefit of Abu Tartur phosphate rock processes for the recovery of the lanthanides lies in their relatively high content of lanthanides (averaging 0.11%), while the produced fertilizer would pollute the environment less with radioactive materials due to the low uranium content (averaging 25 mg/kg). ...

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Abu-Tartur plateau are exploited by open cast of a layer ranges in thickness between 3.9 to 4.5 meters. The average P 2 O 5 ... The advantages of Abu-Tartur phosphate rock are: _____29 2.2.5. Description of the of beneficiation process _____30 Equipment of beneficiation plant _____30 ...

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Effects of Weathering on Glauconite: Evidence from the Abu Tartur …

The potential production of rock-based fertilizer and soil conditioner from phosphate mine wastes: A case study from Abu-Tartur plateau in the Western Desert of Egypt Article Nov 2021

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The Phosphate Mining in Egypt: Geology and …

Stratigraphic observations comprise assessment of the boundaries of various rock ... concentration at Abu Tartur is 29.78 percent, with an average of roughly 26 % P 2 O 5. 11

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(a) The location map gives an overview of the Abu Tartur …

The content of total organic carbon "TOC" and the quality and maturity of the organic matter are the main factors controlling the hydrocarbon generation capability of the source rock [1][2][3][4][5].

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Effects of Weathering on Glauconite: Evidence from The Abu Tartur …

Effects of Weathering on Glauconite: Evidence from The Abu Tartur Plateau, Egypt - Volume 60 Issue 1. ... The potential production of rock-based fertilizer and soil conditioner from phosphate mine wastes: A case study from Abu-Tartur plateau in the Western Desert of Egypt. Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 329, Issue., p.

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The potential production of rock-based fertilizer and soil …

The current phosphate mine wastes at El-Liffiya-Maghrabi sector, Abu-Tartur plateau, are represented by low-grade phosphorites along with overburden of glauconite and shale deposits. Although phosphorites contain sufficient concentrations of the valuable plant-nutrients (e.g. 18.29 wt% P 2 O 5, 35.29 wt% CaO, and 14.43 wt% SO 3), it holds unallowable …

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Beneficiation of Abu Tartur phosphate rock by leaching …

It was found that upon treatment of ground Abu Tartur phosphate rock with dilute acetic acid the % P2O5 can be raised to 28.6% from an original value of 25.6 % P2O5 with a phosphate recovery of 97 ...

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Recovery of lanthanides from Abu Tartur phosphate rock, …

The phosphate rock contains trace amounts of uranium and lanthanides. When treating this rock with H2SO4 produces phosphoric acid together with 5 times of its quantity of phosphogypsum (PG)…

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Effects of Weathering on Glauconite: Evidence from the …

One specific glauconite-bearing layer at the surface (Layer 16) of the Abu Tartur phosphate mine, located in the Western Desert of Egypt, was studied in detail and compared to a fresh, …

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Effects of Weathering on Glauconite: Evidence from the Abu Tartur

Clays and Clay Minerals, Vol. 60, No. 1, 76–88, 2012. EFFECTS OF WEATHERING ON GLAUCONITE: EVIDENCE FROM THE ABU TARTUR PLATEAU, EGYPT B R IG I T TE P E S TI T SC H E K 1, S U SA N N E G IE R 1, M A HM O U D E S SA 2, 1 AND H A NS K U R Z WE I L 1 Department of Geodynamics and Sedimentology, University of Vienna, 1090 Vienna, …

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Comprehensive insights into phosphorus solubility and …

The potential production of rock-based fertilizer and soil conditioner from phosphate mine wastes: A case study from Abu-Tartur plateau in the Western Desert of Egypt. J. Clean.

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