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Effects of particle gradation and material proportions on the

Particle size distribution is considered to be a key indicator for evaluating the physical properties of crushed stone aggregate [4,5]. Different gradations, especially the changes in fine particle content and the continuity of particle size distribution, are the main reasons for the decline in the mechanical properties of crushed stone roadbed ...

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Characterization of Crushed Natural Stone Aggregates

Characterization of Crushed Natural Stone Aggregates. Journal of Innovations in Civil Engineering and Technology (JICIVILTEC H), 3(2), 55 - 77 . Araştırma Makalesi / Research Article

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Establishment of a three-dimensional particle library for …

Graded crushed stone (GCS) is an integral part of pavement materials. The morphology of aggregate particles has an essential influence on the mixture (Moaveni et al., 2014; Wu et al., 2023a, 2023b).Traditional methods usually divide aggregate morphology into three levels: contour form, angularity, and surface texture (Al-Rousan et al., 2007), among which …

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Crushed stone aggregate particle size determination by …

Expert supervisor had to control the quality of built-in material and the solution applied was to use one software for digital image processing in order to determine the grain size...

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With Fine Deficient Crushed Stone material For Road Sub-Base Construction ... to determine particle size distribution, moisture content, specific gravity, Atterberg limit test, maximum ... California bearing ratio, organic content, Loss Angeles abrasion test and Flakiness index were investigated. The LL and PI of the byproduct material were ...

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material. A portion of total crushed stone production is crushed stone screenings. Crushed stone screenings are the finer fraction of stone products and normally contain particles that are 4-5 mm (0.15-0.19 in) in size and smaller. The particle size distribution, particle shape, and othe1· physical properties may be somewhat

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Mixture composition design of magnesium oxychloride …

The particle size distribution type is the C–C-2 median value recommended by the "Technical Guidelines for Construction of Highway Roadbases" (JTG/T F20-2015). ... For cement-stabilized crushed stone materials, the "Technical Guidelines for Construction of Highway Roadbases" (JTG/T F20-2015) clearly stipulate that the 7-day unconfined ...

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Investigation of the particle crushing characteristics of …

crushing indicators based on the particle size distri-bution curve before and after testing. The commonly used metrics can be divided into single characteris-tic particle size indicators and multiple particle size indicators. Single characteristic particle size indica-tors (Lee and Farhoomand 1967; Lade et al. 1996)

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Compaction and shear characteristics of recycled …

Recycled aggregates have been integrated into various unbound and bound materials within the construction sector. For instance, they can function as base/sub-base course materials for road pavements (Ding et al., 2023; Lu et al., 2023) or as backfill in retaining walls (Muktinutalapati and GuhaRay, 2021).There is also a potential application of recycled …

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Compaction and Breakage Characteristics of Crushed Stone …

A new particle breakage index is presented to accurately reflect the breakage degree of rock block with particle size greater than 5 mm. The index increases as the rock block content and normal ...

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Mix Design and Field Detection of Large-Particle-Size Graded Crushed …

Graded crushed stone (GCS) is a kind of mixture composed of coarse aggregates, fine aggregates, and sand in certain proportions [1]. As a kind of granular material without binders, GCS has the advantages of easy access to its raw materials, low cost, and convenient construction [2].

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Packing Characteristics of Aggregate with …

Consideration of Particle size and Morphology Yinghao Miao 1,2, Xin Liu 1, Yue Hou 1,*, Juan Li 1, ... packing characteristics were also evaluated. Two kinds of aggregates (crushed stone and gravel) with ... aggregates were analyzed using the air void content (Va) and the packing function index (I pf) proposed in this paper. It is shown that ...

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Automated Shape Analysis and DEM Study on Graded …

In this study, the realistic particle outline is first automatically extracted based on digital image processing and deep learning algorithms. Then, the elongation (EI), roundness …

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Section 902 AGGREGATES

in the stockpile if they can pass the maximum grading sieve size without aid. Ensure the fine aggregate portion of the gradation does not exceed a liquid limit of 25.0 percent or a plasticity index of 4.0. The Engineer will test the freeze-thaw durability of crushed concrete coarse aggregate for each project. After the Department's central

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Analyzing the influence of Cerchar abrasiveness index on particle size …

The particle size distribution (PSD) of rocks during the milling process has long been recognized as a complex system issue. This complexity stems from both the intricate grinding environment within the mill and the involvement of multiple mechanical forms, such as abrasion, compression, and impaction (Fig. 1) [1, 2].Consequently, number of researches …

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Study on three-dimensional digital features of crushed stone …

This study employed three-dimensional scanning method to measure the dimensions, volume, surface area, and point cloud coordinates of crushed stone and pebble aggregates. Morphological feature parameters of each aggregate, including sphericity, …

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Mix Design and Field Detection of Large-Particle-Size …

Large-particle-size graded crushed stone mixtures (LPS-GCSMs) can improve the shortcomings of conventional graded crushed stone, such as low strength, high deformation, …

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Performance Study of Stabilized Recycled Aggregate Base Material …

Therefore, it is not only an important research direction at present [4,5,6,7,8] but is also in line with the current actual situation to use the inorganic binder-stabilized crushed stone base material prepared using the recycled aggregate of construction waste for the preparation of highway engineering materials, which is of great significance ...

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Investigation on the effects of physical property and stress …

Compared with traditional graded crushed stone (GCS), the maximum aggregate size of large particle size GCS (LPS-GCS) is larger and the content of large-size aggregates is more, which can form an interlocking skeletal structure with a stronger bearing capacity.

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Comprehensive particle size distribution analyses on crushed stone and rounded mineral aggregates confirm the correctness of the mathematical solution.

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Research on Design Indicators for Graded Crushed …

The technical indexes of the 11 kinds of the typical graded crushed stone mixtures, such as the particle breakage and the Los Angeles abrasion, accord with the requirements for graded macadam mixture in the guidelines of …

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Fines inclusion in a crushed limestone unbound aggregate base course

Proper characterization of a dense-graded aggregate base/subbase material should include both quality and strength aspects. Gradation, passing the No. 200 sieve (smaller than 0.075 mm) fines content, and Atterberg limits for plasticity index (PI) are the most important properties that affect the quality and longevity of aggregates used as unbound layers in flexible …

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Practices for Unbound Aggregate Pavement Layers

Materials with a large variation in particle size usually undergo higher degrees of segregation as a result of improper stockpiling practices. Usually aggregate materials in which the ratio of the largest to the smallest particle size exceeds …

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Evaluation of CBR of Graded Crushed Stone of Flexible …

Materials 2023, 16, 363 2 of 15 stone on conventional flexible pavement performance in Minnesota through a mechanistic– empirical pavement design approach. Zhang [8] proposed a random ...

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Effects of particle gradation and material proportions on the

This study investigates the effects of different particle size distributions and material ratios on the macro- and micro-mechanical properties of crushed stone aggregates …

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Mix Design and Field Detection of Large-Particle-Size Graded Crushed …

Large-particle-size graded crushed stone mixtures (LPS-GCSMs) can improve the shortcomings of conventional graded crushed stone, such as low strength, high deformation, and a low modulus of resilience. At present, there is no systematic research on the gradation design and field evaluation of the LPS-GCSMs. In this study, compaction and California bearing ratio …

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Table 3602/1 CRUSHED STONE BASE AND SUBBASE: MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS Material TYPE OF MATERIAL ... FLAKINESS INDEX Flakiness Index, determined in accordance with TMH1 method B3, shall not exceed ... SIZE material: 63mm (ii) Crushed material:37,5mm or Two thirds of the compacted (unless otherwise specified (ii) Crushed material: layer thickness ...

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Comparison of measures of rock crushability

However, more recent measures, namely the point load index (or the particle strength), the A*b breakage index and the particle fracture energy, among others, are being increasingly used as ...

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Experimental Study on Fractal Characteristics of Particle …

2 Key Laboratory of Intelligent Underground Detection Technology, Anhui Jianzhu University ... The fractal dimension of the particle size distribution of the graded crushed stone used in this test is 2.33 to 2.57. ... the fractal dimension of the particle size distribution of graded crushed stone increased and then decreased as the water ...

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Response to Comments, AP42 Section 11.19.2 Crushed …

dryers to produce materials having a very small particle size distribution. These plants are also being asked by regulatory agencies to supply emission estimates, and the ... Truck Loading - Conveyor Crushed Stone Correct 3-05-020-32 3-05-020-32 . Response to Comments, February 23, 2004 draft AP42 Section 11.19.2

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