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Evaluation of the environmental effects of the abandoned quarries

PDF | On Jan 1, 2013, J.M. Akande and others published Evaluation of the environmental effects of the abandoned quarries Strabag Quarry at Ibadan, Nigeria and RCC Quarry at Wasinmi, …

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Quarry rehabilitation: a case study

Two quarries abandoned around 15-23 years ago - one revegetated, the other with natural regeneration were compared in order to assess benefits of artificial revegetation vs natural …

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Rehabilitation of an handoned quarry used as uncontrolles …

Abstract It has been a common although the least rational practice for a lot of abandoned quarries to be used as sites for uncontrolled waste disposal. Such is the case of the Karens abandoned …

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Revitalizing Abandoned Landscape in China: Quarries as

In the region, there are more than 3000 small abandoned quarries, which until recently—with few exceptions—were exploited by hand without the assistance of machines.

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Revitalizing Abandoned Mills in India The Case of …

Buildings that were abandoned but not built in the past were considered modern ruins. They collapsed or collapsed or became a place for criminals in society. 2.2 TYPES OF MILLS …

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Study on sustainable landscape design of abandoned …

The 6th International Conference on Mining Science & Technology Study on sustainable landscape design of abandoned quarries An example: Zhushan ecological park in Xuzhou Zhu …

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(PDF) Quarry rehabilitation: A case study

Site D (post-rehabilitated quarry site) was previously studied by Correia et al. (2001). We have combined data from these sites with that of two woodland areas surveyed …

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Sustainable method to rehabilitate the abandoned …

abandoned quarry sites in Anuradhapura District. The priority was to harmonize the rehabilitation approach with local community requirements with a minimal investment and optimum use of …

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(PDF) Monitoring of abandoned quarries by remote sensing …

For this purpose, an appropriate open pit quarry has been chosen. Two sets of measurements were performed. Firstly, a stockpile was measured by GNSS technologies and later other …

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Assessment of Rehabilitation Options for Environmental …

abandoned quarries and a sustainable methodology to design future land use. The objective of this research is to introduce a quarry rehabilitation method that is effective and has a positive …

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Possibilities of using of abandoned mining sites in …

mining and finishing technologies. It is inevitable that any use of abandoned mining sites should respect the applicable laws that govern these places and ... valuable sites which are now …

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GCCA Sustainability Guidelines for Quarry Rehabilitation …

focus. The requirement for a BMP depends on the sensitivity of the site with regards to biodiversity, whereas best practice is to have a QRP regardless of the biodiversity value at a …

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Reclamation and reuse of abandoned quarry: A case study …

The Stearns Quarry Park located in South Side of Chicago is an urban leisure park reclaimed from an abandoned quarry and a construction waste landfill site (Worthington and …

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Abandoned Rock Quarry Is Unlikely Home for Proposed Life …

Cell Signaling Technology plans to begin construction this year at a 48-acre site in Manchester-by-the-Sea, Massachusetts, about 30 miles north of Boston on the Atlantic coast. …

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Critical Issues of Sustainability Associated with Quarry …

three quarry sites and from a control, 1 km off the quarry sites, against the direction of drainage. Water sample was also collected from an abandoned quarry pit turned pond.

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Quarry lifecycle: What comes after a quarry shuts down?

Quarry rehabilitation is also an important topic for the Victorian Government, which in March 2022 announced the Quarry Transformation Grants to accelerate the rehabilitation of …

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examines quarry rehabilitation planning practice in purposefully selected quarry site in Addis Ababa in a locality named 'worku-Sefer', Akaki Kality sub city. The study employed systematic …

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Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece

Restoration of abandoned quarry sites has been for quite a few years practiced in various places in Greece, mainly in the broader district of Athens, a wide range of rehabilitation solutions has …

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Mediterranean Quarry Rehabilitation Manual

Moreover, abandoned or non-operational quarries are widely distributed (Darwish et al. 2010). Generally, there are two main reasons behind quarry abandonment: either the quarry has …

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The Rehabilitation of Quarries

The concept of quarry rehabilitation has been analyzed to describe specific examples of regenerations in particular areas, to evaluate the environmental impacts …

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iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Sl. No. Contents Page No. 1 Preamble 1 2 Definitions 2 3 PFA a substitute of soil for geotechnical applications 3 4 Protection from leaching 5 5 Transportation …

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Implication of abandoned post‐quarry sites on avifauna …

Abandoned post‐quarry sites have potentiality to be remodeled into natural‐wilderness areas, a desire especially in rapidly urbanizing and transforming landscapes.

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Quarries: From Abandoned to Renewed Places

land Review Quarries: From Abandoned to Renewed Places Katia Talento 1, *, Miguel Amado 1 1 2 * and José Carlos Kullberg 2 CERIS/Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, Av. …

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Rehabilitation of Dis-used Mines and Quarries in Kenya

Hehabi1itation of Abandoned Quarries In Kenya: Mining has dicturbed the natural aesthetics and created certain darigers to Borne~eop1e in Kenyao Under Section 35 (2) (a) Cap. 306 - …

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(PDF) Quarry rehabilitation: A case study

Our goal was to evaluate the success of revegetation actions performed in a Mediterranean limestone quarry, using plants and epigean beetles as indicators. We compared their abundance, diversity...

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How Victoria can reinvigorate its abandoned mines – Monash Lens

Another use for abandoned mines is water supply storage. Such an initiative is underway in Atlanta, in the US, where an abandoned granite quarry is being rehabilitated for …

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Assessment of abandoned quarries for revegetation and …

Assessment of abandoned quarries for revegetation and water harvesting in Lebanon, East Mediterraean

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Quarries: From Abandoned to Renewed Places

We analysed the concept of quarry reuse to describe specific examples of regenerations in particular areas, to evaluate the environmental impacts, explain the techniques, and illustrate the recovery methodologies of …

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Rehabilitation of abandoned mine sites. Problems and …

abandoned sites due to the lack of information provided from the companies. However, is already known an approximate number of abandoned sites per region, which provide an overall idea of …

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Monitoring of abandoned quarries by remote sensing and …

Restoration can be achieved by human intervention through reclamation works (artificial restoration) or it can be the result of a natural process (spontaneous restoration).In …

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