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Late Paleozoic Rifting in northern Pakistan

Postrifting thermal subsidence led to the deposition of Upper Triassic marine carbonate rocks which unconformably overlie the rift basalts. A similar tectonic history in central Afghanistan suggests continuity between the two regions prior to the opening of the Neo-Tethys.

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Evidence for the Occurrence of Permian Panjal Trap Basalts …

It could be shown there, that flood basalts can spread over distances of hundred kilometers away from their center of eruption Permian Panjal Trap Basalts in NE Pakistan 605 (Schmincke 1967). Typical for flood basalts is their lateral uniformity in chemical composition, a fact which can be used for correlations of individual lava flows between ...

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Major transition of continental basalts in the Early …

There is increasing evidence that the subcontinental lithospheric mantle is dynamic, as indicated by changes in its thickness and containing components with varying geochemical and isotopic compositions through time (Farmer, 2014 and references therein).Continental basalts provide direct clues for the evolution of continental lithosphere and …

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Influences of the Stagnant Pacific Slab Beyond Its …

Pb–Nd–Hf isotope characteristics indicate that the carbonated eclogite-derived melts likely originated from the stagnant Pacific slab. Although Cenozoic basalts from both the east of the NSGL (ENSGL) and DVF domains exhibit light δ 26 Mg values, basalts from the ENSGL nevertheless have lower δ 26 Mg values than those in the DVF domain ...

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id/41/tambang afghanistan basalt.md at main · lqdid/id

alatalat bor untuk tambang Basalt Crusher.Mesin Bor Tambang PT Tambang Timah dan Tambang Batubara mungkin gambar mesin untuk tambang emas Online Talking.basalt rock mining effect greenrevolutionhow is the rock basalt mined basalt rock mining effect « coal russian basalt rock mines loionCrusher ...

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Zinc and iron isotopic compositions of Cenozoic basalts in …

Most basalts fall within a limited range of δ56 Fe (+0.10 ± 0.05‰), although more differentiated lavas trend towards slightly elevated values (up to +0.3‰). New data for basalts and olivine ...

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Cretaceous–Paleogene Back-Arc Basins in the …

in northern Afghanistan and the Pamirs is substantiated for the first time. In Iran, three blocks are traditionally defined: Elburz, Central Eastern Iran (Lut Massif included), and ... basalts belong to either N-MORB and E-MORB types or calc-alkaline (subduction-related) series [6]. Basalts with a K–Ar age of 88–77 Ma underlie Maastrichtian

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Basalte en Afghanistan

basalts in afghanistan. basalt, extrusive igneous (volcanic) rock that is low in silica content, dark in colour, and comparatively rich in iron and magnesium. Some basalts are quite glassy (tachylytes), …

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Geomorphology, Mineralogy, and Chronology of Mare Basalts …

Mare basalts on the lunar surface are tangible expressions of the complex thermal evolution and geological processes that have occurred within the lunar interior. These basaltic manifestations are ...

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Wrangellia flood basalts in Alaska: A record of …

The arc lithosphere is a key suspect for derivation of the low-titanium basalts because (1) the geochemical and isotopic signature of the low-titanium basalts has very similar characteristics to rocks formed in subduction settings [e.g., Kelemen et al., 2003]; (2) arc crust is exposed beneath the Nikolai basalts in Alaska; and (3) the low ...

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Cenozoic basalts in SE China: Chalcophile element geochemistry, sulfide

The basalts from the eastern belt have Ni and Cu contents similar to those from the central belt and have Cu/Ni ratios of 0.3–0.6 (Table 2). All basalts have Ir, Ru, Rh, Pt, and Pd contents that are mostly below 1 ppb (Table 2). The PGE contents in basalts from the western belt are slightly higher than those of basalts from the other two belts.

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Origin of Permian OIB-like basalts in NW Thailand and …

The Carboniferous basalts are characterized by significant light REE enrichments coupled with slightly positive Nb-Ta ... Afghanistan to southern Tibet and then southward through SW China, NW ...

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Zinc and iron isotopic compositions of Cenozoic basalts in …

These basalts, together with Wulanhada and Siziwangqi basalts reported in this study, constitute a SW-NE profile. Basalts distributed in this profile have similarly high δ 66 Zn values, indicating that the amounts of recycled carbonate in their sources are similar. In other words, this profile is nearly vertical to the subducted direction of ...

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Basalt: Composition, Properties, Types, Uses – Geology In

Basalt Properties . Color: While typically described as black, basalt can exhibit a range of hues due to variations in mineral composition and oxidation. Shades of grey, green, and even reddish-brown are possible. Texture: Basalt exhibits a wide range of textures, from fine-grained and aphanitic (almost glass-like) to coarse-grained and porphyritic (containing larger crystals within …

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Young lunar mare basalts in the Chang'e-5 sample return …

Chang'e-5, China's first lunar sample return mission, is targeted to land in northern Oceanus Procellarum, within a region selected on the basis of 1) its location away from the Apollo-Luna sampling region, 2) the presence of the Procellarum KREEP Terrane (PKT), 3) the occurrence of one of the youngest lunar mare basalts (Em4), and 4) its association with Rima …

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Geospatial Insights into Ophiolitic Complexes in the …

Afghanistan and surrounding regions present a mosaic of continental blocks originating from Gondwanaland [42,44]. The Hercynian orogeny belt, characterized by …

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Age, geochemical characteristics and petrogenesis of Late …

Miocene to Quaternary alkali basalts in the Lut–Sistan region, eastern Iran are spatially associated with two active, N–S-trending dextral strike–slip fault systems in the region, i.e., the Neh faults in the Sistan suture zone and the Nayband fault ~ 200 km further to the west in the Lut block.Here, we present new 40 Ar/ 39 Ar ages, geochemical and Sr–Nd isotopic data …

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The geology and petrography of the ultramafic …

Tur Ghar occupies the northeastern side of Kandahar city and some parts of ShawaliKot and Daman Districts. Such Cretaceous volcanogenic formation containing Hematite veins, fan alluvium foothills,...

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Geology of Corundum and Emerald Gem …

All of the Oligocene to Pliocene ages (40–5 Ma) are consistent with compressional tectonic events that were active in the ruby-bearing metamorphic belt from Afghanistan to Vietnam. The fourth period of corundum …

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The Mesozoic of Afghanistan | GeoArabia | GeoScienceWorld

They are always altered, serpentinized, or epidotized. However, olivine basalts have been identified that differ from volcanic rocks (mainly andesites) in the Lower Cretaceous of the same region (see below, Triassic of the Kabul Block).

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Rapid recycling of subducted sedimentary carbon …

Sedimentary carbon is subducted to, and returned from, mantle depths in less than 27 million years, according strontium isotope analysis and geochronology of lavas from southern Afghanistan.

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Mineralogical Characteristics of Sapphire-Bearing Placers …

Abstract The paper presents the results of a comparative analysis of sapphire-bearing placers in South Primorye (Shkotovo Plateau, Russia) and in the adjacent Heilongjiang Province (the Muling deposit, China). The placers are confined to intraplate alkali basalts with similar geochemical characteristics and age. It was found that the same minerals from placers …

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Identifying deep recycled carbonates through Miocene basalts …

In comparison, there have been few cases on magmas of asthenospheric origin throughout the Plateau although a wealth of studies, especially seismic tomography, have pointed to the dynamic significance of asthenosphere in causing lithospheric mantle melting (e.g., Chung et al., 2005; Ding et al., 2003; Tian et al., 2017; Zhou and Lei, 2016).With the India-Asia …

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First report of Lower Permian basalts in South Tibet: …

The basalts unconformably overlie lowermost Permian diamictites, with locally intervening black shales and debris flow deposits, and are followed in turn by chert-bearing quartzarenites and silty to phosphatic marls yielding brachiopods of Roadian–Wordian age. ... Afghanistan, South Tibet, Myanmar, Thailand) began in the Early Carboniferous ...

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6 US Military Bases in Afghanistan | MilitaryBases

It is actually the Forward Operating Base of the United States Marine Corps in Afghanistan. This FOB in Afghanistan is located along the 2,000 km. in Afghanistan's Delaram District. Ring Road is Afghanistan's main thorough fare with numerous qualities of …

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Paleogene volcanism in Central Afghanistan: Possible far …

A volcanic-sedimentary succession of Paleogene age is exposed in isolated patches at the southern margin of the Tajik block in the Ghor province of Central Afghanistan. The …

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Simplified tectonic map of Afghanistan showing …

There are several major tectonic units in the Logar area: the basement of the Central Afghanistan Terrane, the platform-type cover sequence of the Kabul Terrane and the Logar Ophiolite Complex.

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Numerical simulation of CO2 storage by basalts in …

Two pilot projects around the world have confirmed the feasibility of basalt to store CO 2.The first one is the CarbFix in-situ project in Iceland, where more than 95 % of the injected CO 2 were mineralized to form carbonate minerals within two years (Clark et al., 2020; Matter et al., 2016; Xing et al., 2022).The other is the Wallula basalt in-situ project in Washington State, …

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Late Triassic back-arc spreading and initial opening of the …

The studied basalts form layers of volcanic lava around 0.5–1.5 m thick in the upper part of the Nieru Formation (Fig. 3 a, b). The basalts are interbedded with dark gray mudstones, slates, siltstones, and limestones. The basalts are dark gray in colour and have a fine-grained texture and massive structure (Fig. 3 c–e). They show a slight ...

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a) Simplified tectonic sketch map of the Iranian-Afghan …

Saccani et al. (2022) have shown that metabasalts are represented by three geochemically distinct protoliths, including sub-alkaline basalts showing either N-MORB or E-MORB compositions and ...

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