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Use Bentonite Flocculation

Useof the Bentonite Flocculation Test for the Diagnosis of Schistosomiasis DOROTHYS. ALLAIN, B.A ... In addition, the serums included those that had produced positive ... Toxocara, Ascaris, Echinococcus, Filaria, Cysticercus, and Protozoa. There also were a limited number of positive syphilitic serums and other microbic antiserums. Reactivity ...

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Bentonite in Winemaking: A Complete Guide to Wine …

Bentonite works via flocculation. Its negatively charged particles bind to positively charged proteins in the wine. ... Mid-fermentation addition of bentonite can be effective, particularly in white wines. The natural mixing action of fermentation helps distribute the bentonite in the wine. This may improve its effectiveness. Post-Fermentation ...

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The sulfur-free clarification process of sugarcane juice by bentonite method as claimed in claim 1, characterized in that: in the secondary adsorption and decoloration process, the addition amount of the chitosan/bentonite compound is calculated according to the addition amount of 0.002g to 0.02g of the chitosan/bentonite compound in 1mL of ...

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Enhancing the Flocculation of Stable Bentonite Suspension …

Many previous attempts of activation of Ca-bentonite were not feasible, upgrading required addition of many extra additives or sometimes mixed with commercial Na-bentonite toimprove its properties.

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Synergistic function of bentonite, poly-aluminum …

The addition of bentonite effectively promoted the coagulation–flocculation effect. Overall, this work demonstrates that bentonite significantly improves coagulation–flocculation treatment and …

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The Aggregation of Bentonite Using Poly(N …

Discover the impact of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) on bentonite sedimentation. Explore the effects of concentration and molecular weight on aggregation mechanisms. Find out how PNIPAM acts as a powerful flocculant, with larger …

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Flocculation behaviour of bentonite clay-water …

The effect of polyacrylamide (PAM) as flocculant, NaCl electrolyte concentration and pH on the degree of flocculation of bentonite suspension has been investigated.

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The Aggregation of Bentonite Using Poly(N …

separate bentonite and treated water by adding flocculant [17]. As general floc-culants, aluminium or iron- -based inorganic flocculant and polymeric flocculant such as polyacrylamide are used [19][18]. However, it is necessary to construct an additional dewatering process because these flocculants aggregate soil par-

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Enhancement of flocculation and shear resistivity of bentonite

The optimum dosage of a flocculant or a coagulant reflects the amount that achieves the maximum treatment with minimum amount of chemicals. This ensures the best performance with the lowest possible cost. Ideally, a turbid system tends to decrease in turbidity upon addition of coagulant dosages at the beginning, until the optimum dosage is reached.

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Bentonite Addition: A Viable Option for Ballasted Settling

The two kinetic parameters of this equation, Vo and K, were determined in the field using batch column settling tests with and without the addition of a flocculant aid. - Determination of the sludge volume index (SVI) with and without the flocculant aid. - Jar testing to determine the flocculation kinetics of the MLSS with and without flocculant.

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Elucidation of the aggregation mechanism of bentonite with …

The flocculation ability was accurately fitted by a pseudo-second order kinetic model, which enabled reliable predictions of the flocculation behavior. In addition, the flocculation behavior of ...

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The effect of single and combined …

Bentonite; coagulation- flocculation; conductivity; mono-multivalent cations; zeta potential 1. Introduction ... In addition, the catio-nic polymer has a very high charge (), and the anionic

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• AccoFloc 350 flocculant aid is a high-activity powdered sodium bentonite chosen especially for its flocculation characteristics. • AccoFloc SDG flocculant aid is a high-activity granular sodium bentonite. It is manufactured as an agglomerated (uniform granular particles) product which allows it to immediately disperse when mixed with water.

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pH dependence of bentonite aggregate size and morphology …

Recent work has explored the effect of ionic strength and ionic strength history on the flocculation of bentonite using cationic polyacrylamide, examining both flocculation performance and internal floc structure using confocal microscopy [10], [11].It was observed that increasing NaCl concentration drastically reduced optimal polymer dosing levels, and changed …

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(PDF) The Aggregation of Bentonite Using Poly(N

PDF | On Jan 1, 2018, Ayano Nakamura and others published The Aggregation of Bentonite Using Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) as a Flocculant | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate

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Effects of flocculant concentration on the turbidity and …

In this study, the sedimentation behavior of bentonite (Na and Ca bentonite) suspensions with different swelling potentials was investigated with single and combined coagulation and flocculation ...

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Effects of polyacrylamide addition and dosage on the …

Download Citation | Effects of polyacrylamide addition and dosage on the effectiveness of sludge-recycling enhanced flocculation | The dosage effect of polyacrylamide (PAM) with long-chain ...

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Elucidation of the aggregation mechanism of bentonite with …

In addition, the state of the bentonite aggregates was observed to investigate its association with the sedimentation rate. ... Relationship between the amount of flocculant adsorbed on the bentonite aggregates and the concentration of flocculant added to the bentonite suspension. ... the bentonite amount in the supernatant solution at pH10 was ...

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Efficiency of a flocculent consisting of bentonite clay and fly …

In the first set of experiment, bentonite clay (BC) and fly ash (FA) were pulverised to 160 μm particle size respectively and rinsed with distilled water to remove impurities using 0.45 μm pore membrane (flocculent-A). Two other flocculants (flocculent-B and C) were prepared by pulverising the same reagents to the same size and mixed.

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The Aggregation of Bentonite Using Poly(N …

Abstract. Sedimentation tests of bentonite suspension were carried out by adding various concentrations of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAM) with different molecular weights as flocculant below and above lower critical solution …

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The Aggregation of Bentonite Using Poly( N

Sedimentation tests of bentonite suspension were carried out by adding various concentrations of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAM) with different molecular weights as flocculant below and above lower critical …

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Combination of talc-bentonite for deposition control in papermaking

Therefore, the addition of a small amount of talc in combination with bentonite or a bentonite/treatment polymer program will allow detackification of the remaining unretained pitch particles. The term "paper machine", as used herein, includes felts, pumps, wires, tanks, pipes, and similar associated parts as well as all metal surfaces where ...

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The effect of flocculants, shear, vacuum and depithing …

bentonite addition level must be optimised for further ... DDJ resulted in observed which would lead to a 'patchy' the entire amount of water in the ... without CPAM and bentonite flocculants ...

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Preparation and Mechanism of a New Enhanced Flocculant …

Calcium base bentonite being treated as the main base, a new functional bentonite base composite flocculant BTA aiming at enhancing flocculation rapidly, was prepared by …

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Enhancement of flocculation and shear resistivity of …

Coagulants and flocculants were prepared a day prior to conducting experiments, left on stirring throughout the day to ensure the homogeneity. Bentonite suspension was …

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Batch Sedimentation Studies for Freshwater Green Alga

In presence of flocculant addition in 1:1 concentration ratio between extracted chitosan and natural bentonite clay, the surface charge (in terms of conductivity) was the maximum (at 2,260 μS/cm) on the flocs or aggregates formed possibly due to adsorption of algal cells on to the larger surface area made available by fine particles of ...

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(PDF) Effect of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide on flocculation …

Using cationic polymer flocculants has a high flocculation effect on bentonite. However, the flocculation mechanism is unclear. ... An amount of 100 ... bentonite. In addition, ...

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Preparation and Mechanism of a New Enhanced …

The optimum preparation process of flocculant BTA has shown 29.5% acid bentonite part, 29.5% alkaline bentonite part, 15% PAC, 1% CPAM, 5% ferrous sulfate, and 20% aluminum sulfate. BTA was used...

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Eco-friendly decolorization of cationic dyes by coagulation …

It was found that the removal of the dyes increased with addition of SA as the flocculant/coagulant aid. Bentonite as a natural coagulant aided by the biodegradable flocculant, SA, is an effective combination for removal of basic dyes (color removal). ... The waste water from the textile dyeing industry pr oduces large amount of coloured water ...

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Performance of bentonite clay as a coagulation aid on water quality

Also the increase of the dose of bentonite decreases the pH more than the use of aluminum sulfate alone, which makes the water pH optimal for coagulation–flocculation, but also to improve the ...

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