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Norway pauses plans for Arctic deep-sea mining

Norway is seeking to be one of the first countries to mine in the Arctic, which would require heavy machinery to remove such items as cobalt, nickel, copper and manganese from …

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Mine Equipment Operator (Fly-in Fly-out, Container …

Key responsibility includes the safe and expert operation of Container Handlers and Reach Stackers at a remote arctic mine site. Five years' operating experience within the …

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Resource Development in the Arctic: Opportunities, …

Autonomous vehicles with advanced technologies like LiDAR, sensors, and AI are emerging as crucial Arctic mining equipment. While extracting the Arctic's mineral, metal, and …

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About Us

MORE ABOUT PURITAN ARCTIC EQUIPMENT. Puritan Arctic Equipment is a part of the Ventech Group. Based in Wixom, Michigan, Ventech Group companies offer bespoke and off …

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The deep freeze: mining in the extreme

The big freeze: Arctic mining. The rewards to be reaped in the far North can be massive. One company that's very familiar with working in Arctic conditions is Nuna Logistics, which provides construction and mining support …

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Sale of Ekati mine to Arctic Canadian Diamond …

Dominion Diamond's sale of Canada's first diamond mine, Ekati, to Arctic Canadian Diamond Company has been completed. Full operations at the site, which had been placed on care and maintenance ...

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Remote Camp Mining Jobs (Arctic & Northern Canada) – …

Fly In & Fly Out Remote Camp Mining Jobs. Looking for remote camp mining jobs up North and offers fly in and fly out transportation? Then check out this amazing opportunity …

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IHC Mining

The state-of-the-art equipment that we design and build helps improve operational efficiency, lower cost per tonne and make activities more sustainable.

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Mining Equipment Maintenance Guide- MTGA …

Equipment maintenance safety is a key priority, as malfunctioning machinery is one of the largest hazards within the mining sector. Reasons to keep mining equipment maintained. There are several important reasons mining …

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Arctic Mining Equipment Flown to Frozen Runway

Large Mining Equipment via Air World's Top Large Class Cargo Planes Staging and Delivery Co-Ordination Deliveries even when ice to thin for trucks Detailed engineering and modifications …

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(PDF) Mining and Arctic Communities

Evidence of the impacts of metal mining and the effectiveness of mining mitigation measures on social–ecological systems in Arctic and boreal regions: a systematic map Article …

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Arctic connected | The Arctic's Indigenous …

Mining, new transportation routes and other industries are slowly eating away at the Arctic landscape, bit by bit, causing reindeer migration routes to be altered—or to be cut off altogether. Many pastures where reindeer …

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How to perform land restorations in the High Arctic

The High Arctic area that hosted the Svea coal mines for ... March 10, 2024 | 6:39 am Education Energy Suppliers & Equipment Europe Coal ... landscape restoration of the …

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The harsh economics of mining the Arctic

The harsh economics of mining the Arctic. ... Any slip with heavy machinery, and medical help may be a three-hour flight away, on a plane that can't take off in a blizzard. It is …

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Exploration Tents and Arctic Camp Supplies

Exploration Tents and Arctic Camp Supplies . Favorite. Website. Address. Head Office Address: PO Box 672 Yellowknife Northwest Territories X1A 2N5 Canada. Phone: 360 450-6004. …

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Arctic Canadian Diamond Company and IHC Mining Jointly

CALGARY, Alberta, Feb. 22, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Arctic Canadian Diamond Company ("Arctic") and IHC Mining have reached an important milestone in the development of an …

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Welcome to Mining Equipment Pro, Inc., your premier destination for specialized mining equipment solutions. With a focus on open pit, underground, and drilling operations, we cater …

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Artic Machinery Ltd: Heavy Equipment Dealer in BC!

Artic Machinery Ltd. was founded in 2004 to buy, sell, and rent new and used heavy equipment. The founding partners of Artic Machinery Ltd. have over 100 years of combined experience in …

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Norway forced to pause Arctic seabed mining plans

Norway opened up more than 280,000 sq. km of Arctic Ocean seabed to mining exploration. (Stock image by Kaherine.

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Inside the autonomous vehicles mining the arctic …

Arctic automation: inside Amaroq and ABD's arctic mining vehicles. ... And, with an expectation that autonomous mining machinery will be electric and fuelled by on-site renewable energy generation, the health of …

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Automated Equipment is Changing Arctic Mining

In arctic mining, various companies have implemented automation in their operations. Owing to the severe arctic climate, with reduced visibility and driving safety due to …

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Mining in the Arctic environment – A review from ecological

The attractiveness of mineral resources in the Arctic has increased and the region is seen as a vast storehouse of potential resources (Lindholt, 2006, Emmerson and Lahn, 2012, …

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Norway approves deep sea mining in Arctic Ocean

The bill, voted in 80-20 by lawmakers, allows the exploration of around 280,000 sq km (108,000 sq m) of Arctic seabed, an area bigger than the size of the United Kingdom, …

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Nome Gold AK sold to Arctic Gold Mining LLC | The

Ownership of nearly 9,000 acres of mining leases and 380 patented mining claims mostly located within the City of Nome has changed from Nome Gold Alaska to Arctic Gold …

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Artic Trucks

2013 777G serie T4Y00101, 5.575 hrs with MEGA TT20 20.000 gallones; Very good Condition 2012 775G serie T5W00107; Tank MEGA 8.737 HRS; Very good condition

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Arctic Canadian Diamond Company and IHC Mining Jointly …

This contract is the first major equipment scope being awarded by Arctic for the URM system, following years of development work. ... Arctic and IHC Mining started their …

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raw materials mining in the Arctic. Throughout this report, we will bring some light into the status of critical raw materials extraction within the Arctic states' mining industry and its potential to …

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Resource Development in the Arctic: Opportunities, …

Innovative technologies play a key role in Arctic mining. Improved ice-breaking ships, aided by new sea routes opening due to melting sea ice, have made accessing and …

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Mining Projects

Underground Utility Fleet for New Mine Project: To develop its newest mine, the Nickel Rim project in Skead, Ontario, Xstrata required a complete new package of underground mining …

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Full article: Self-reported exposure to dust and diesel exhaust

Self-reported exposure to dust and diesel exhaust, respiratory symptoms, and use of respiratory protective equipment among Arctic miners. David Peyre-Costa a Department of …

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